

New Member
May 14, 2012
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Got 7 pregant females in one tank together.
I am thinking of putting them into a breeding traps to save the fry and then let the fry loose into that tank after.
The female then can go into the big tank also.

Sound ok?
I wouldn't put the females in breeding traps. They tend to be too small for the mother to feel comfortable, and too small for the fry to grow properly. If you want to save some fry (but be warned, swordtails can have 50 or 60 fry every month, so with seven females, that could be upwards of 350 fry every 30 days :crazy: ) the best thing to do is add lots of fine leaved plants, like elodae, cabomba or Java moss, to the main tank to give the fry somewhere to hide.
Welcome to the forum dave_focus, same as fluttermoth said, lots of hiding places....
Be carefull not to overfeed...keep them hungry...!
Welcome to our forum dave_focus.

You don't say what kind of females you have or how big your trap is. A guppy can almost always fit well enough into a typical trap that it will not cause problems, but my 3+ inch sailfin molly will not work out well even in my biggest trap that is about 8 inches long.

If you release the fry and females into the same tank, the trap will have been a total waste of your time.

A question that comes to my mind is what in the world you will do with all of the fry from 7 separate females. If you succeed in saving all of the fry, you will have a total of over 200 of them in that fry tank. Do you have a place to move them where they can share around 100 gallons of water while you grow them big enough to sell off to a LFS or similar place? You could do it in a pair of 55 gallon tanks I guess.
I agree with oldman47 why put them in a trap if you are going to release them in the same tank, plus a trap is weigh to small if they are mollies or swordtails unless you have one like mine which is a 11" x 6" x ^2 but then I only put 1 in at a time with a small bit of plant,

if you want to save the fry you will need a separate tank 2ft plus and do a water change everyday for the fry to live and grow well
Hi everyone.
Thanks for help.

I have put all the females that are going to give birth into a 2ft by 2ft tank with hinding places.

I was going to put each female into a trap and once the fry have been dropped i'll let the mother go into the big 4ft tank.

That means i will have all the fry ( hope) in the 2ft by 2ft tank all safe.

Hope makes sense??

Looking at my first post i didnt say let mother go into big tank after lol ( Silly me)

The mothers are mollies and guppies...
Make's sense to me... I think you've got it :good:

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