Breeding Tank Rack Journal


Mar 4, 2010
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Mitcham UK
I am going to start my breeding tank rack. The past few weeks I kept changing my mind if I was going to go through with it all, but have now decided this will happen. I have not got loads of room, so starting small and having 3 breeding tanks in a rack is enough to begin with. So I got some quotes off ND aquatics for 3 tanks and am now pleased with the quote. So will order them Monday. I am going to have a go at breeding Apisto's so got lots of reading to do.

10th August 2012 : Ordered 3 sponge filters & 3 heaters.

Going B&Q & Champion Timber to get wood for frame tomorrow.

12th August 2012 : Went B&Q yesterday (similar to the home depot for our friends acroos the pond) for the wood as Champion Timber were very unhelpful, Got 1.5" x 2.5" in 2.4m lengths. Got B&Q to cut most of it to size for me. the rest I cut. Each tank will have 5 lengths of wood supporting it. The frame is now complete. Next job is to cover the frame with 9mm plywood. Will add pics later.

I will keep this updated as and when there is updates. will try to keep it tidy and have all pics on the first post like I did with my other tank stand journal that I did, you can find the link to it in my signature below. :look:
Good stuff. Will be interesting to watch as would like to do this myself one day for my hillstreams.
Put the frame together today, and will add some pics later. ordering the tanks tomorrow then the next job is to cover the frame in plywood. will keep post one updated when updates have been done to this project.

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