Breeding My Guppies! Please Reply!


Fish Crazy
Jun 19, 2013
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i have a 5 gallon tank with a filter and soon a heater. i have 4 guppies in it; 2 males, 2 females. one is pregnant, the other may or may not be. but she probably is. the tank has fake plants and other decorations at the bottom. i really want to breed my guppies. but you are probably going to tell me that  i need a bigger tank, or that i need more tanks. please know that i am well aware that i need a bigger tank. i plan to get one soon. but id like to just use 1. maybe 2.
i also have a 10gal with a betta,a very small catfish,2 rasboras, and 3 tetras. the betta is gentle and has been with guppies before.please let me know if i can use this tank for guppies.
i am currently breeding some mosquito fish that are very similar to guppies.i wanted some color!
please please please help me!
You do need to get more female guppies. It is one male for eveyr three females. This is because the males can stress the females, they are usually chasing them. Be careful with breeding the new guppies, because they eventually start to lose color and get closer to hwo the original guppies look like which are not very pretty. You do need a bigger tank (which I know you said you would buy soon, I hope before the fry are born). It is ok for the fry to be with the adults if enough food is there and many hiding places. But if you don't want to risk it, then put the fry on a different tank. My guppy fry have always bene fine with the adults but eveyr tank is different. and It can be very difficult to move fry to another tank. Good luck with you guppies!!!
At the moment I wouldn't look to get any more guppies or breed them unless you can give them an adequate tank so you're right, 5 gallons is not right for the amount of fish you have. I wouldn't imagine any fry being able to survive in a tank that size with that many fish-but saying that, yesterday the 1 fry  I was trying to catch from my main tank was being ignored by the adults!
I let my females have the fry in the main tank then catch the fry and put them in their own separate fry tank. 
thanks for the help
Please think about how and where the fry are going to go to. Not many LFS will take them, as they buy guppies for pennies each from their trusted suppliers, they have no need to risk the health of their tanks with fish from an unknown hobbyist breeder. Even less will pay you for them.
Why would a private individual buy them from you, when they can go to pretty much any LFS and buy them for little more than a $ ?
I don't want to pour water on your bonfire, but if you can't move them, you'll soon be overrun with fish.

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