Breeding Guppys And Sword Tails


Mostly New Member
Sep 20, 2014
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Hi all I have Bean breeding guppys for a long time now. I have been told it is possible to breed guppys and sword tails is this true and if so is there any way to encourage them to do so.
You can breed them together to get: Swordtail Guppies! i would recomend you to cycle a 20 gallon tank then put in a female guppy and a male swordtail together and then breed them as if the male swordtail was a male guppy. you then will see a gravel spot on the female's body then the fry will come out sooner or later and once the fry grow, they grow they will look like a guppy is a relatively long tail they are Beautiful Crossbreeds  ( btw you can breed platys with swordtails as well! )
~ Goggy
Ok thank you I have just put 2 off my femal guppys with a male sword tail hopefully they will become pregnant soon
Swordtails and guppy’s cannot breed together they are genetically different.
 Guppy’s. are poecilia reticulate,    swords and platy’s are xiphophorus the same species  and there for can bred together,
Yeah platys and swordtails can interbreed.......guppy's and swordtails can't.
A guppy and a molly can - although not as common as platy/swordtail.
Ok now I'm confused anyone else have any advice or experiences.
Wait what? i thought they could there were lots of sites about them and seen them in aquariums 
Swordtail guppies are just guppies with a sword like point on their tail. I don't think that they're a cross between a swordtail and a guppy.
there are many fin and tail shapes of guppies,
there is a guppy known  as the bottom swordtail  top swordtail and a double swordtail
green swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri)
IMG_8502 (640x480).jpg
Thank you for all the advise everyone I have done more research to and it seems to be impossible it was worth a shot tho

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