Breaking Down A Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
buffalo, ny
hey guys, im getting ready to move in a few weeks, and i would like as little hassle as possible with respect to breaking down/setting up tanks. the only thing im not sure about is adding tiger barbs to my 75g planted. its currently housed by a pair of cribs, a pair of blue rams, school of corys, school of flame tetras, a school of cherry barbs, and a whiptail cat. would it be alright to add 9 tiger barbs? i know theyre nippers but ive read that they wont bother other fish since theyre in a large group.

thanks for the advice
I've got 6 with 3gold barbs, 8 cory's, 1RTS, 4 rummynose, 1 BN, Pair of Kribs (just spawned too!). No problems at all, in fact i'd say the barbs are bullied a bit by the Kribs ;)

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