Branchy Algea In Planted Tank


Nov 19, 2012
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Im having abit of an algae problem in my tank, its a kinda black/brown branchy looking algae growing on plants and rocks, seems to be on the edge of leaves. Ive tried to pull it off but its very strong and damages the leaves.
Camera wont get the picture unfortunately.  
Tanks specs....
Ph 7
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20ish
375litre tank with a fx5 and pressurised co2.
2 54watt t5s
I dose 3 times a week macro and 3 times a week micro, standard ei mix. 5ml per 50litres atm due to not enough plants to do the 10ml per 50.
How can I get rid of this algea? its starting to spread fast.
Without seeing pics its difficult to be accurate, but it seems like bba from your description.

Does it match any of these?

If its bba you might meed to increase the amount of co2 you are dosing, or improve on co2 distribution and perhaps timing as well.
Usually increasing the level of co2 is enough to stop the spread of bba but existing bba wont go away on its own, you need to cut off affected leaves and scrape it off rocks and wood.
Mmhmm... I have a little bit of BBA in my 4-month planted tank. Keeps coming and going which would make sense (Altho it originated from a plant that I purchased a month ago)
Might try the Excel dosing
The one which looks the most similar was staghorn, branches off and looks like deer antler lol.
Im confused now as I have very good circulation in the tank and 30ppm of c02.
Bit of an update, created more circulation with a spray bar and adjusted my c02 slightly. Algea was dieing off quite well.
Ive now stopped dosing and weirdly my plants are doing very well and I still have a nitrate level of 15ppm.
Ok algae Is not going? ive upped my c02 and have a spray bar now so the circulation is good.
All levels are good, managed to keep my tank 15-20ppm nitrates with the dosing.
What do I do? the info ive read says c02 and circulation but I have these sorted and have been sorted for a couple weeks now.
If the algae is still there it can only mean one thing, the levels aren't sorted! You may need to bump up the co2 a bit and increase circulation.

From James planted tank guide

"Check CO2 levels and make sure you have good water circulation. Reduce feeding, vacuum the substrate and remove mulm. Overdosing Flourish Excel, EasyCarbo or TNC Complete usually helps"
Co2 is maximum im willing to go, the checker is almost yellow. Circulation is deffo not the problem.
Substrate is clean also lol.
The drop checker is only a rough guide, you will probably find that you can increase the co2 more than you think before the fish look like they are not enjoying the level of co2. If your fish are acting normal then you are not at the maximum level of co2 and you have a bit of headroom to play with.
A co2 injected planted tank will tell you if it has enough co2, ferts and flow. You can't decide it has enough because if you are wrong it will disagree with you by showing you some algae

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