Brackish Fish


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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I used to have 4 mollies, 3 female, one male. In the span of a few months 2 of the four have died and I've been left with two females.
I think I lost at least one of the other two to the shimmies, or whatever it may actually be called, because I had the mollies in a totally freshwater tank. I've read that they're brackish fish and like saltier water.

I have Cory's in the tank so adding salt to the current tank (115 lt) doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
I've wanted to change the stock in that tank for some time anyways and I have a 20 gal and if I move things around a little it would be a decent home for them I suppose.
But I was wondering what other fish would be okay in that tank with them, as it would be a brackish tank. I know from some experience that guppies do fine in salted water but I was wondering if there were any other fish that would fit in.

Also, I currently have three Otto's in the 20 gal. Are Otto's accepting of salt water or should I re home them?
Thanks ;)
You're right there, corys and salt don't mix!
Bumble Bee Goby are one of my favorite little fish that do well in brackish water and are quite good community members. As a side benefit they are small so can go in just about any sized tank. They can be territorial with conspecifics but do great with outsiders.

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