Mostly New Member
My daughter and I went to the shop today to buy a sucker fish for the tank. The one she wanted to buy was not the one the young lad caught. The one we were looking at was $3.50 and when we got to the counter the lady said that we had a catfish and it was $9.25, but we brought him home, he hasn't been given a name yet but he will soon. Now I'm needing to know a few things about them. I was given (by the young fellow) some food suitable for the sucker fish we wanted first. It's a vege flake type of food. Is that ok for the catfish? Also, how big can I expect it to grow? We don't have a massive tank, it has 2 guppies, a betta and now a catfish in it. Will it grow big? If so, what size tank will we need to upgrade to?