Hey all,
I have been following the guidance from a few of the community members on a prior thread to do daily 10-15% water changes (dechlorinated of-course) to the tank and this has been working well however I have been having a serious issue that has just started over the past three days.
First of all a pregnant mother had a nice healthy batch of nine fry who are happy, active and eating well - none of which have died.
The first fish that died - I presume it was the mother as I had been advised by the pet store it could have been the stress of her birth, when she died she lost ALL of her colour and turned completely white overnight.
The second fish that died I presume contracted some bacterial infection as after I put her into quarantine in an additional tank she soon after died and when I inspected her she had a very mushy section of her body that seemed to be rotting (hence why I presumed fin rot).
The third fish that died was heavily pregnant and has just died within the last 30 minutes. She started to slow down from swimming, hiding in the plants, resting and generally not responding to her surroundings - she appeared to have a very dirty scale texture too as if she wasn't bright and shiny like the others her scales became dull and dirty then she died.
I am very concerned at the moment as I have nine fry in the breading tank developing well and 5 perfectly healthy fish and I don't want some form of a disease killing out out my stock. I have been told it could be due to the pet store having a bad batch but is this the case?
I have also been adding this to the aquarium regularly:
The fish are all guppies and I am sincerely concerned as now the stock levels have reached that there is now only three females to two females so the balance isn't right.
Thanks for your time!
I have been following the guidance from a few of the community members on a prior thread to do daily 10-15% water changes (dechlorinated of-course) to the tank and this has been working well however I have been having a serious issue that has just started over the past three days.
First of all a pregnant mother had a nice healthy batch of nine fry who are happy, active and eating well - none of which have died.
The first fish that died - I presume it was the mother as I had been advised by the pet store it could have been the stress of her birth, when she died she lost ALL of her colour and turned completely white overnight.
The second fish that died I presume contracted some bacterial infection as after I put her into quarantine in an additional tank she soon after died and when I inspected her she had a very mushy section of her body that seemed to be rotting (hence why I presumed fin rot).
The third fish that died was heavily pregnant and has just died within the last 30 minutes. She started to slow down from swimming, hiding in the plants, resting and generally not responding to her surroundings - she appeared to have a very dirty scale texture too as if she wasn't bright and shiny like the others her scales became dull and dirty then she died.
I am very concerned at the moment as I have nine fry in the breading tank developing well and 5 perfectly healthy fish and I don't want some form of a disease killing out out my stock. I have been told it could be due to the pet store having a bad batch but is this the case?
I have also been adding this to the aquarium regularly:

The fish are all guppies and I am sincerely concerned as now the stock levels have reached that there is now only three females to two females so the balance isn't right.
Thanks for your time!