Bolivian Rams Agression


Fish Fanatic
Nov 17, 2011
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hi i have two bolivian rams, beuatiful fish, im told i have a male and female, i know some aggression is ok, im worried however becasue one is getting a bit bigger than the other and i wonder is this normal for males to be bigger or is one stopping the other growing by chasing ect. One clearly chases the other. My tank is heavily planted and has lots of hiding places.
Could i get another female to divide the aggression? i am fairly sure its the male doing the chasing?? any ideas? they are such cool fish i want to make sure everything is cool.
I have found the Bolivian Rams can be quite aggressive to each other. I did have 2 but now only have one due to the demise of the other. The deceased one was hounded quite badly, being chased when in sight by the surviving one, which made it constantly sought refuge somewhere. Rams can also be picky eaters, which also went against my Ram that died. I would seperate one of your Rams or at least rearrange your tank decor to see if that helps.

Good luck.
yes get another female if you can as like you said it will ease the aggression on the one you already have :good:
thanks for the feedback. Would i be able to put another female in the divide the aggression? i really like them and want a few ?

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