Bolivian Ram Not Eating


Fish Herder
May 27, 2009
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I bought a Bolivian Ram and a female German Blue Ram, each for different aquariums, from a Pets At Home store on the 10/5/14. After having asked the 'Small Mammals Sale Assistant' to feed the GBR's and having checked for bodily ailments and not finding any, I decided I'd take the plunge and also buy a Bolivian Ram for my other community aquarium that consists mainly of Albino Corydoras and Black Neon Tetras.
The Sales Assistant dropped the GBR onto the ground in the process of catching it; it was a good 5 foot free fall so I immediately checked it for signs of stress once the Sales Assistant rightly placed it back in the water. Luckily, the GBR had all its colours and seemed indifferent to what would be the equivalent of a human throwing himself head first off the roof of their own home. Alas, I went ahead and bought the GBR.
I then saw some quite colourful Bolivian Rams in the adjacent tank so bought what I thought would, like the GBR's, be a healthy fish with a good appetite. This doesn't seem to be the case as the Bolivian Ram is not responding to or eating flake, crisps, pellets, tabs (of varying compositions) or blood worms. I have literally been throwing food in front of the fish and it appears to not notice it. It seems to be overly occupied with it's own reflection at all times.
I am quite predictably getting fed up with the fish and thinking about taking it back to the store as it will soon die if it doesn't know how to eat.
I'd be grateful if anybody could shine some light on what is wrong with the Bolivian Ram. I can tell you, from my limited knowledge of this fishes physique, that its looks somewhat dissented (head looks a bit big in relation to it's body) however it has no white trailing faeces (commonly occurs when there is a refusal to eat) and its pelvic fins are not clamped.
Water Stats:
pH: 6.5
Temperature: 27.0 degrees C
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 20 ppm
What other fish do you have in the tank please?
Some fish when first bought don't always eat for a few days. So I wouldn't worry just yet.
Try soaking his food in garlic juice to stimulate his appetite.
Does he look thin, or have sunken in belly?
Cam you post a picture of him onto the site?
WILDER said:
What other fish do you have in the tank please?
Some fish when first bought don't always eat for a few days. So I wouldn't worry just yet.
Try soaking his food in garlic juice to stimulate his appetite.
Does he look thin, or have sunken in belly?
Cam you post a picture of him onto the site?
Hi Wilder,
There are 7 Albino Corydoras and 5 Black Neon Tetras.
I have some Garlic Guard by Seachem, imported from the USA. I could try it I guess but the issue is that it doesn't notice the food.
I think it looks somewhat sunken but it isn't a thin looking fish in my opinion.
I will get a picture taken now and upload it ASAP.
Need to look at his tummy area then if you think it's sunken.
Is it the fish that fell on the floor at the LFS?
WILDER said:
Need to look at his tummy area then if you think it's sunken.
Is it the fish that fell on the floor at the LFS?
No, the female GBR fell to the floor. That fish is plump and eating well.
It is the Bolivian Ram that appears to have a sunken tummy area. I have noticed it's pelvic fins are actually clamped now.
I have attached a picture.


  • DSC08428.JPG
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So sorry but I can't tell much in the pic.
Check his anus to see if it's enlarged, or red and inflamed.
Check there nothing coming out of the anus like worms.
Is he also acting lethargic?
Sunken in bellies can  mean bacterial infection, internal parasites.
Just tried to upload a better image but I'm getting a 'internal server error' message. It's only a 1.2 mb image.
Can you load the ;pic on by photo bucket.
Can you isolate him?

What.s your locations mark?
WILDER said:
Can you load the ;pic on by photo bucket.
Can you isolate him?

It would be difficult to isolate the fish at this moment but I could try tomorrow when it is not so late.
Keep a look out for these signs as there an indicator of internal parasites.
Long stringy white waste, clear waste.
Sunken in belly. 
Fish that look thin, bloated.
Bent spine.
Swimming on there sides.
Spitting food out.
Enlarged anus, red inflamed anus.
Worms sticking out of the anus.
Secondary bacterial infections.

The sunken in tummy is a worry. But I still can't tell in the pic. But if you say it is sunken I will take your word for it.
If he does not show any of the internal parasites symptoms apart from the sunken in tunny I would try him with an internal bacteria medication.
You could also choose to take him back to the LFS. But you never know what will happen to him. I hate that.
Is it the pic or me as his colours look dark in the pic.
WILDER said:
Keep a look out for these signs as there an indicator of internal parasites.
Long stringy white waste, clear waste.
Sunken in belly. 
Fish that look thin, bloated.
Bent spine.
Swimming on there sides.
Spitting food out.
Enlarged anus, red inflamed anus.
Worms sticking out of the anus.
Secondary bacterial infections.

The sunken in tummy is a worry. But I still can't tell in the pic. But if you say it is sunken I will take your word for it.
If he does not show any of the internal parasites symptoms apart from the sunken in tunny I would try him with an internal bacteria medication.
You could also choose to take him back to the LFS. But you never know what will happen to him. I hate that.
The fish just has a sunken belly and it spat out a Tetra spirulina/vegetable crisp. At certain angles it looks emaciated. I will keep an eye on it. I never thought I'd be considering the use of meds so soon after buying a fish!
WILDER said:
Is it the pic or me as his colours look dark in the pic.
I think the fish is a bit on the dark side.
Bless Him. That last pic he looks so sad.  His little cute eyes.
I would start treating him with a bacterial medication.
Keep a look out for internal parasite signs.
Whats your location Mark.

He does look thin I agree.
It's bacterial, or internal parasites. Or he hasn't been eating at the LFS.
WILDER said:
Bless Him. That last pic he looks so sad.  His little cute eyes.
I would start treating him with a bacterial medication.
Keep a look out for internal parasite signs.
Whats your location Mark.
I live in the UK.
I have to hand:
Seachem Metronidazole
Kusuri Wormer Plus
Seachem Kanaplex
Waterlife Sterazin
Interpret Anti Internal Bacteria.

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