Bolivian Ram has Popeye


Hammer Time
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
my 3 year old Bolivian Ram got a bad case of Popeye which has gotten so large it ulcerated...and now there is a fungus growing on it....

I put it in a hospital tank with an established sponge filter and set heater to 80 degrees. Added an airstone.. I treated for the last 5 days with Maracyn 2 per instructions. Also did one dose of Prazipro and also treating daily with Melafix. I ordered API fungus cure and should have it tomorrow and will do a water change and then treat with that. Tank appears to cycled per testing with API test kit.

Ram appears alert and moves around slowly on the bottom...his usual habit. But have not seen him eat in 5 days.

I acquired some aquarium salt but did not add it yet. I wanted to check in here to ask it that is advisable with and open sore. If yes, what dose of salt would you add?

Should I do another 5 day treatment of Maracyn 2?

Any other advice appreciated.
I don't like getting involved in disease issues as I have so little experience, and I tend to keep my comments very general. Which brings me to the three or four different medications mentioned...this can cause more stress and worsen matters.

When I had a Congo Tetra with popeye a marine biologist suggested the first treatment should be Seachem's KanaPlex. This is primarily the antibiotic kanamycin. It worked for me, with one treatment as instructed on the package (I believe it was three treatments on alternate days, or something...if you use it follow the instructions). This is a relatively safe antibiotic for most fish, so I was told, but very effective if it is the correct medication. It is also easily taken into the fish from the water. Some also add it to the food.


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