Bogwood Fungus


Fish Crazy
Oct 10, 2009
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Hi all, 
I have just setup a new 60L with a seeded fluval 106, 
The substrate is just standard play sand and the decor is lots of mopani wood. 
No plants currently. 
All the wood has been scrubbed and then boiled for about an hour, then soaked in 20 degree water for 3 days. 
Once put in the tank the wood quickly (24-48h) developed large clumps of fungus all over. 
The fungus has a semi-transparent (milky) colour, it forms in large balloon like blobs (0.5-2.0") and is quite slimey to touch. 
Any ideas? 
I think it may be quite normal but i have 3 other tanks all with regular bogwood or mopani and can't say i have ever had this issue before. 
The small plecc in there is doing a good job of keeping the fungus at bay, the amount he is consuming for his size is ridiculous. 
Can it be a problem if he has too much? 
And does anyone know if this sort of fungus is affected by light? 
I can easily reduce the lighting if its going to help. 

Fungus in the wood will appear regardless of light.  The warm water brings it to life, so to speak.  At some point presumably it will be exhausted.  I've never encountered this "safe" type, but others have and one of them will likely be able to comment beyond this.
I used the word "safe" because there are toxic fungi in some wood, and I have had this.  The water turned cloudy within a day, and the fish showed very obvious signs of extreme difficulty respirating, and lethargy quickly followed.  I did several experiments with the piece of wood that developed a white fungus (in appearance like cotton rather than slimy or in blobs) so there was no doubt what was causing the problems for the fish.  Eventually I had to chuck the wood out.
Fortunately most fungus seems to be harmless, and fish like plecs do eat it.  Without an examination of the fungus by a microbiologist, it is impossible to determine the species.
The wood in one of my tanks once did this, as fast as I cleared it, it came back again. I took it out and poured boing water over it a few times from memory, then I seem to recall it eventually stopped. Sorry it was so long ago I cannot recall exactally, I just remember it happening.
What type of wood is this?
My mopani has done this in the past... the fish actually seem to like it (either that or my pest snails did).  It was eaten rather quickly in my tank.  It didn't last long at all.  Nothing to worry about.
Thanks for the feedback everyone,
I was hoping that would be the case!
That the fungus would go into submission as the tank matures.
Little plecc is still going strong, but he is only managing to control about 50%
I don't really wont to start adding fish prematurely just to keep things under control.
Would it be a bad idea to dose eSHa 2000 for the next week?

eaglesaquarium : The wood is called mopani.
Plecc said:
eaglesaquarium : The wood is called mopani.
Then its perfectly normal, and there's nothing to worry about at all.  Its exactly what has happened to my tanks anytime I add a fresh piece of mopani.
Would it be a bad idea to dose eSHa 2000 for the next week?
Yes it would be a very bad idea, so don't.  This might or might not have any effect on fungus originating from wood anyway, but much more importantly is the fact that one should absolutely never add medications/treatments to an aquarium containing fish except when it is necessary for specific issues with the fish.  Fish are affected by any substance in the water, and at the very least these cause stress but often they have other ramifications long-term.
I will be patient and let things happen naturally.
I shouldn't always look to this stuff, but do have a lot of faith in eSHa 2000 as i have used it previously with great success.
I found it very useful during the early stages of corydoras egg and fry development.
It improved my hatch count from around 20% to almost 100%
But I do appreciate that has no connection with wood fungus.
Thanks again everyone.

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