Fish Crazy
Hi all,
I have just setup a new 60L with a seeded fluval 106,
The substrate is just standard play sand and the decor is lots of mopani wood.
No plants currently.
All the wood has been scrubbed and then boiled for about an hour, then soaked in 20 degree water for 3 days.
Once put in the tank the wood quickly (24-48h) developed large clumps of fungus all over.
The fungus has a semi-transparent (milky) colour, it forms in large balloon like blobs (0.5-2.0") and is quite slimey to touch.
Any ideas?
I think it may be quite normal but i have 3 other tanks all with regular bogwood or mopani and can't say i have ever had this issue before.
The small plecc in there is doing a good job of keeping the fungus at bay, the amount he is consuming for his size is ridiculous.
Can it be a problem if he has too much?
And does anyone know if this sort of fungus is affected by light?
I can easily reduce the lighting if its going to help.