Blue Rams Being Lonely?

lonely is a very subjective term, but as with any fish that is used to being with other members of its species, you will not see their true behaviour.

I had one Bolivian ram for a while (after a few had passed) and the fish did very little in terms of showing its true 'character'. Now I have 5 and there is almost constant interaction between them, and their colouration is certainly better than when kept singley
In regards ro GBR's and Bolivians, are they better in groups? I have a new pair of each which are only about a half inch or so big. The GBR's which i think are M&F just chase my Bolivians away (as well as everything else including my tiger barbs, kribs, etc tho have a read of my post about GBR aggression!!).
Is it wise to add more of the same group as im worried this may start a territory war between them or will it ease as It spreads the aggression (similar to my tiger barbs?).
Also, are they better in pairs or hareems?
Dont mean to jump on the back of your post PeterC but just felt it may assist us both.
iv only got a pair of them, 1 male an 1 female, but iv got corys, neons, guppes an harlequins so i meant in the sense should i put a few corys in the tank with them or would they be ok by themselves?
Rams can be shy, and may do better with some 'dither fish'; small tetras that will be out and about and so 'tell' the rams it's safe to be out.

I wouldn't pick cories; rams tend to stay in the lower parts of the tank, IME, and they might compete for space somewhat.

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