Blue Gourami Mating?!?! Help!

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 27, 2012
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so its been forever since i have posted anything. i gave up on my freshwater angels and my friend at my LFS took them in. and since then we rehomed both our sterbai cories since we couldn't find anymore around here and added to our bronze and unfortunately lost 5 of 6 rummy nose tetras but are waiting for our shipment to come in and will be getting more.

so on to the real topic! i just couldn't stay away from gourami's something about this fish really catches me so we went out and bought a beautiful male blue 3 spot that has some orange on his bottom fins and half red half regular eyes. he WAS a really nice pale color... that is until we went to the LFS today and seen a huge female blue 3spot who looked like she was carrying eggs so we picked her up and acclimated her into our tank. when she was in the bag they kept touching through the plastic and as soon as i let her out they touched with their ventral fins and swam around. a few minutes later i came back into the room and they were circled around eachother (head to tail head to tail) grabbing onto eachothers fins!!!

now the male is perfectly fine just turned a REAL dark color as soon as he spotted the little gal. but the girl looks like her tail fin is pretty raw from all this horse play. they seem fine now, he is just following her all around the tank and occasionally poking her with his ventral fin clearly annoying her. can someone tell me if they were fighting or what this behavior was?

i added some melafix into the tank when we brought her home cuz her fins looked a little ragged, she was in a tank with two full grown kissing gourami and they were HUGE. so hopefully this helps the bites. but any info on what i can do to make her comfy and about their behavior would be appreaciated!

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