Blue Gourami Lesion


Fish Fanatic
Feb 15, 2011
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Just noticed this mark on my Blue Gourami. She's acting normal and still has her spots, when she was being bullied by a male she lost them. Any ideas what this mark is, it looks like a hole to me. I didn't see anything like this on the Tetra that died.(

Size of tank in gallons please.
How many fish and which type.
Can you please post your water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Before the wound turned into a hole did it look red, or pink, with a circling of dead tissue around the edges?

Can you isolate the sick fish?
The post I made earlier has some details of another of my fish that died today. He had no such hole. They have all been in this tank for 18 months.

15PPM Nitrate, Ammonia is a bit high at 0.4 I have 8 silver tip tetras 10 black shirt tetras and 1 blue Gourami in a 30 gallon tank with natural plants. I only noticed the hole today. Unfortunately I cannot isolate the fish.


Size of tank in gallons please.
How many fish and which type.
Can you please post your water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Before the wound turned into a hole did it look red, or pink, with a circling of dead tissue around the edges?

Can you isolate the sick fish?
Size of tank in gallons please.
How many fish and which type.
Can you please post your water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Before the wound turned into a hole did it look red, or pink, with a circling of dead tissue around the edges?

Can you isolate the sick fish?
The excess slime on the other fish could of been due to the ammonia reading. Fish produce more slime coat when water quality not good, But also it can mean other things as well, like parasites, bacterial infection.

Water changes.

Could the fish have injured it;s self on something sharp in the tank.
Just make sure you can't see a parasite around the open wound.

I think I would isolate the fish with the hole on it's side and use a bacterial medication.

Sorry I missed you saying you can;t isolate. You will have to add a bacterial medication to the whole tank.

Good Luck.

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