Blue Acaras And Fire Mouths


New Member
Aug 20, 2012
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Hey Guys,
Im, a Cichlid nooooooooooooooooobbbbbyyyyy to the max.
I have kept fish for 3 years but had to take a break do to a move. So I have a 35 gallon high tank, I hope to stock it with 2 Blue acaras and 2 fire mouths. What can I put in with these guys that will do well? And will they be hardy enough to cycle the tank?
Hi there, welcome to the forum. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the tank isn't big enough for either of those species. You would be looking more towards dwarf cichlids such as Apistogramma and Nannacara/Laetacara.
And will they be hardy enough to cycle the tank?

And you'll make it much easier on yourself if you do a fishless cycle with ammonia rather than cycling with fish.
And will they be hardy enough to cycle the tank?

And you'll make it much easier on yourself if you do a fishless cycle with ammonia rather than cycling with fish.
Sounds good! I have to ask another question would key holes be able to survive happy in their? Maybe a couple of live bearers on the top?
If not I'm happy to try some other cichlids!
That sounds good
Can you post a rough stocking idea to help me get a idea of what would work?
I would start with

6 Angels
4 Keyholes
15 Tetras of your choice
6 Otocinclus

With the Angels I would be looking for a pair to form then remove the rest should you need to.
I would start with

6 Angels
4 Keyholes
15 Tetras of your choice
6 Otocinclus

With the Angels I would be looking for a pair to form then remove the rest should you need to.

By tetras you mean a larger size correct?
Kribensis can be the most aggressive evil fish ever to grace a tank when breeding. They're ona completely different level to Keyholes.
Im going with the keyholes and serapi tetras then some angels

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