Blue Acara In A 30 Gallon?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I currently have a juvenile Blue Acara, my question is if I can keep it in a 30 gallon tank for a year? Long term? Would any other fish be able to be in there? I understand that the fish needs to grow and not be stunted by a small tank, but I read that the Blue Acara will only grow to about 6-7 inches. I have a good filter (30-50 gallon filtration). The reason I ask is because I have an Electric Blue Jack Dempsey which is being chased around by the Acara (in a 55 gallon).
Yes, a 30 gallon will be fine, short or long term. You could probably add 6 larger tetras, bleeding hearts, black skirts or red eyes, to act as dither fish.
Yep I think a 30g would be good :) Some spotted headstanders and some medium sized catfish would be pretty nice, flagtails or porthole cats. Maybe a whiptail cat or small plec species as well.

Yep I think a 30g would be good :) Some spotted headstanders and some medium sized catfish would be pretty nice, flagtails or porthole cats. Maybe a whiptail cat or small plec species as well.

Ha-ha! I was going to recommend something similar, but didn't want all the "that's way too many fish for that tank" remarks.
I think I will try the shoal of tetras (bleeding hearts, black skirts, or red eyes) and add an algae eater of some sort.

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