Bloated Tiger Barbs


Mostly New Member
Aug 14, 2013
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So I recently posted about my fish flashing against rocks and such in my tank. The past few days they've almost completely stopped flashing, so I think the cause was probably pH changes. My pH is slightly higher than I'd like it to be (7.8) but I will be lowering it when I get a chance. Anywho, Someone pointed out in my pictures and video that my barbs looked bloated and possibly constipated. I've fed them blanched peas, tried not feeding them for a few days, and nothing works. I see slight improvement in their belly size when I give them peas and feed them less, but nothing significant. Not exactly sure whats going on (parasite, constipation, etc) and I'm looking for any advice you guys may have.
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 40ppm
Temp: 78
well what were you feeding them? you may need to fasten them for a while;
I feed twice a day with tetramin pro crisps, and probably 2-3 times a week I give them freeze dried blood worms as a treat. I soak the bloodworms also. It's extremely hard to fast the barbs only because I have an overly skinny zebra loach who needs plenty of food, and also my other fish are healthy and used to their twice a day diet. Perhaps putting them in my quarantine for a little while might be a good solution. It might be a lot of stress but I figure better to be slightly stressed than dead. I have a cycled filter ready to be placed into my quarantine if this is a logical solution. Input is appreciated.
freeze dried bloodworms are pretty bad because they are more likely to cause bloat wim bladder and they 2 to 3 times a week was way to much it should be a once a week snack with IMHO live bloodworms. fastening them is a valib option because iot doesnt sound like parasites.

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