I've noticed recently my female betta keeps hanging around on the gravel of the tank, acting listless, but in the past few days she's lost her sight. She'll only eat if I press the flake gently against her mouth, and even that is difficult. Water parameters are fine, and so are the other fish.
Tank is 90litre
Also, her fins are looking nibbled , which might be the other fish picking on her but I'm not sure.
And is it safe to place her in a safer tank? (Thinking in the fry tank, she wont eat the fry. )
And her eyes are not looking cloudy.
Tank is 90litre
Also, her fins are looking nibbled , which might be the other fish picking on her but I'm not sure.
And is it safe to place her in a safer tank? (Thinking in the fry tank, she wont eat the fry. )
And her eyes are not looking cloudy.