Blanket weed hell!!


Fish Fanatic
May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kent, England
I have had a pond now for 2 years, but this year is the worst for blanket weed. I have tried everything except a UV filter. It's not a very big pond (50 gallon i think), I have 3 gold fish and a multistage filter/pump.

I have tried chemicals, and am at the moment trying a barly straw bail that has been in the pond fopr 4 weeks, but still the weed will not go.
The water is also green (not sure if that is the weed or algie).

What can I do to get clear water and get rid of the blanket weed.


Where is the pond sited, is it in direct sunlight?
It is in direct sunlight for a few hours per day, but I do have a lot of oxygenating weed covering about 60% of the surface of the water.

Do you think this is the problem?

Full sunlight can and does create algae blooms in a pond, a UV light or if you ctach it early enough barely straw will help get rid of the problem. But the best way is manual removal before it gets a hold and some barely straw, or other pond plants like floating plants which will block out light and take away nitrates etc that the algae needs to grow.
i think u need a UVc Filter this should cure the green water problem

and i am using a product called "goodbye blanket weed" and it is working a treat in my 800 gal pond

i only have 1" green fur in the margins....

and my pond is in sunlight for 7 hours of the day
Thanks for the info peeps.

I was thinking of getting a UV filter but thought it was ott for the little pond, but obviously not.

Has anyone tried the magnetic devices that you put inline with the pump? Do they work?

try getting a grass carp they eat blanket weed
dannio2004 said:
try getting a grass carp they eat blanket weed
Although they may graze on Blanket Weed and other forms of plant life you should never buy a fish purely for this reason, Grass Carp should have a varied and good nutritional diet which Blanket Weed certainly won't provide and IME they make hardly any dent on the fast growing Blanket Weed, but maybe mine are just to lazy and big to bother!
I would add a uv light. I hade the same problem but when i added the uv light the pond became clear in about 1 week. Good luck. :nod:

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