Black Widow Tetra's


Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2012
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Hi All

Has anybody got any pics of a shoal of these fish im looking to get a shoal but wanted to see what they looked like together ( guess i could go to the fish shop ) and also what would be a good number i was thinking 10 maybe 12.
Not the greatest photo (sorry) but these are my long fin black widows.
nice not seen the long finned ones before how many you got?

Also how big is your tank just want a gauge to see how many i should get.
carpking said:
nice not seen the long finned ones before how many you got?

Also how big is your tank just want a gauge to see how many i should get.
His sig says he has 10 and his tank is 55g. Your tank is a bit smaller than his but even so, the number you can have will depend on what you've already got in it. If you've not got vary many fish you could easily add 10.  What have you got?
Lunar Jetman said:
nice not seen the long finned ones before how many you got?

Also how big is your tank just want a gauge to see how many i should get.
His sig says he has 10 and his tank is 55g. Your tank is a bit smaller than his but even so, the number you can have will depend on what you've already got in it. If you've not got vary many fish you could easily add 10.  What have you got?
Gender: female. 
Yes, I have 10 in a 55g. I could do more in there, but it's difficult to find these around here. I picked up 4 from a woman who was downsizing her tank. They're great fish ... all the beauty of "fancier" fish like angels, but none of the behavioral problems!

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