Black Widow Tetra


Fish Fanatic
Nov 27, 2011
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Evening all its been a very long time since i last posted on the site so first off how are we all? What id like to ask is are black widows fin nippers? The misus bought a simese fighter which seems to have settled in ok, ( i have no worries with this fish with regards to other fish as i havent got any other fish that resemble a fighter). But my worry is that will the widows nip his fins. Ive done abit of reading up but nothing states if they do or dont. Many many thanks
They are known to be a little nippy, but if you keep them in a largish shoal (depending on tank size) then it should keep the nipping within the group.
I have six widows And my tanks is 65g. I hav 6 gold barbs aswell hich i was assured they were very pieceful fish. Its wierd because all my fish bar a couple seem to keep quite close to the fighter which ive never seen before. The fighter at the moment is staying around the spray bar hidden in the corner. :S
I reckon that would be okay, I mean aslong as they're in a group, like you have, fin nipping should be minimal. If they were in a smaller group I would say maybe not.

Just keep an eye on it, if it gets too bad you'll need to seperate them.
I would say that is enough (just) to keep any nipping between themselves.
Ok thankyou. As im sat here he has come out a couple of times and the other fih have not gone too close. Fingers crossed.

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