Black Snails In My Tropical Tank..


New Member
Apr 7, 2013
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I set my tropical fish tank up some 2 months ago and all went well until recently when I noticed lots of black snails in my tank. I know they shouldnt be there but how do I get rid of them without having to start the tank again please? 
I have a guppie in there and one tetra who unlike the 5 other tetra I bought has survived. 
Thank you in anticipation..
If you bought any plants that's probably where they came from. Do your best not to overfeed. If you can, get an assassin snail or two. They'll take care of them in no time.
I've noticed several Black/Dark brown shelled snails in plants bought from my LFS, but I always discard all packaging that the plants are supplied in, pots, and the wool the roots are wrapped in. Then they are washed and washed again. I hate the thought of snails in my tank, I don't like the look of them snotty one footed things clagged to the glass, there are commercially available treatments that will rid you of them including eSHa Gastropex, though if you have any Shrimp in your tank they'll need to be removed while treatment is taking place.
I'll stick with my assassin snails. They're pretty, they take care of the pest snails and I don't have to worry about adding unnecessary chemicals to my tanks. They also clean up the tiny food bits at the bottom. 
I agree with spouse. I got snails in my tank and bought 5 assassin snails for 29gal and they took care of the problem right away.
Hi Everyone,
Thank you for your replies.. I guess I need some assassin snails then. I am loath to use chemicals. I got my plants from Pets at home and most of the fish that died on me. My daughter says not use PAH as the fish are not well cared for. 
What do assassin snails look like?? Are they the light coloured ones I see in PAH??
I am so grateful for your replies..
Many thanks.. 
I'm not saying snails are a bad thing, I personally can't stand them (think I made that quite apparent
and just from taking care with plant preparation, I've never had to use chemicals to get rid of pest snails

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