Black Hair Algae


New Member
Apr 8, 2003
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I have Black Hair Algae in my 10 gallon planted aquarium this algae is growing on the leaves of my onion plants. What Can I do about this?
Get a couple of siamese algea eaters they are the only fish that eat black hair algea,other than that there is very little that can be done about it.Keep nitrates low cut down hours that lights are on ruthlessly prune leaves of plants that have it growing on them and boil ornaments/rocks that are covered this may help a little but in my experiance once it is in a tank it is damm near impossible to clear (i know,one of my tanks is riddled with it which drives me nuts)
I had black hair aglae after introducing some new plants! It covered the tank completely including the glass, plant leaves, bog wood and filter.
In the end i spent hours picking it off the glass, removed the bog wood and cleaned the filter housing as well as removing a lot of leaves. I then added a black hair algae remover! and it went...

problem solved.
I tried that anti hair algea treatment once :angry: :angry: :( :-( within 24 hours of adding it my fish developed a case of velvet which wiped out some of my most prized fish,i cant prove it caused it but its a bit of a coincedense especially since i had previously never had a disease in that tank before.

cant say i noticed a thing with my fish but the plants did go yellowish for a few weeks after.
Just used a combination of Interpet Hair Algae remover and Nutrafin CO2 injection in mine to very good results! The algae just died and fell off! :D
I added 2 Siamese Algae Eaters that were approx 1.5" long (still adolescent) and within 5 days there wasn't a trace of the algae left. No joking.

Do your research to make sure you are getting a true SAE (variously called Siamese Algae Eater, Siamese Flying Fox, Algae Eating Shark, Siamese Algae Eating Shark). The name won't do it for you unless the supplier gives you the Latin (Crossocheilus siamensis) ... it's the look that will do it but you need to look for specific markings. See

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