everything is covered with this black - green algae on this used tank I got 7-8 mos ago
some say to have no light, others say to increase the light?!
I have had fish dieing lately(angelfish which i loved, platys, guoramis,etc)
I have tetras, silver $'s, mollys, guppys which r ok though
I do constant water changes with python, (every 1-3 wks), dont overfeed (mb underfeed), 46 gal tank with mb 20 fish, have this sand for substrate which I dont like...think I will remove it, just replaced the impeller (grinding & noisy)so obvy not working, changed the media [what else r u supposed to change in filter)
had the water tested & all is ok , use water conditioner, water is soft, use heater, have a 2 yr old fluval 405,
I have feeling it was the impeller not working? should I get algae feeders (some mb dont eat this type?)
some say to have no light, others say to increase the light?!
I have had fish dieing lately(angelfish which i loved, platys, guoramis,etc)
I have tetras, silver $'s, mollys, guppys which r ok though
I do constant water changes with python, (every 1-3 wks), dont overfeed (mb underfeed), 46 gal tank with mb 20 fish, have this sand for substrate which I dont like...think I will remove it, just replaced the impeller (grinding & noisy)so obvy not working, changed the media [what else r u supposed to change in filter)
had the water tested & all is ok , use water conditioner, water is soft, use heater, have a 2 yr old fluval 405,
I have feeling it was the impeller not working? should I get algae feeders (some mb dont eat this type?)