Black Ghost Knife Fish

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Mostly New Member
Feb 12, 2014
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I have a 56 gallon tank with just a 5 inch pleco in it right now, and think a bgkf would be a really cool fish to have.  I am thinking about adding a bgkf, 3 silver dollars, an angelfish, a redtailed shark, and an african leaf fish.  Would all these fish be compatible with the bgkf?  And if not what fish will be compatible with it?
I'm afraid your tank is too small for a BGK.
56 gals not really big enough for a BGK really am afraid.
Think 125 gals would be minimum considered.
platypus308 said:
Can you just answer if the fish would be compatible?
Well if you're going to keep it in a tank that's much too small then whether it's compatible with the others is the least of your problems
tough crowd please don't comment unless you are answering one of my questions
platypus308 said:
Can you just answer if the fish would be compatible?
The question you posted is in reference to a 56 gallon tank, and some of those fish are not compatible with the tank (like the BGK, and the silver dollars, which should be kept in groups of 6 or more)... the question of whether they are compatible with each other is irrelevant, in this context. 
This forum promotes 'best practices' when it comes to keeping fish.  As such, we can't suggest those fish be put together in that size tank. 
Leaf fish from Mongabay
SB : A predator that should not be combined with other fishes. However, if combined with others, keep with larger, robust species.
SC : Preferably none. Armored Catfish, Pictus Catfish, Leporinus, Anostomus, Myleus
RTBS from seriouslyfish
Though normally sold as such this species is largely unsuitable for the general community aquarium. This does not mean to say it must be kept alone, rather that tankmates must be chosen with care. While small specimens tend to hide away much of the time they become increasingly territorial as they grow and can display particularly high levels of aggression towards similar-looking species.........
congenerics and members of CrossocheilusGarra and Gyrinocheilus, for example, tend to be attacked constantly........
Other bottom-dwelling fishes including cichlids and most catfish are best avoided as they may too be picked on. For the upper levels choose robust, active, schooling cyprinids. Ideally the Epalzeorhynchos should be the final addition to the tank in order to avoid it claiming ownership of the entire space.
Apteronotus albifrons get big and your tank is not big enough. The are nocturnal hunters and will eat whatever fits in their mouth.
Rethink your stocking plans.
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