Biube Fish Options


New Member
Jun 25, 2014
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I've decided to get my biube pure up and running again. It's been in my loft for a while now and I feel like I want to give it another shot after the failures of last time. This time I'm going to do a fishless cycle etc and stock it only with fish most suitable for it. I know it's a while away until I get fish due to the time the fishless cycle takes but what fish/invertebrates (so that there happy) could I stock? The tank is 35 liters and measures- height 46cm-width-33cm I know due to the lack of surface area that it is quite an impractical tank but also know it can work if stocked appropriately. Thanks for any advice.
Is your water hard or soft?
In that case, I would suggest a small group of one of these; male guppies or Endlers (Endlers are slightly smaller and less argumentative than guppies; you'll need all males, as you won't have room for fry as well!), celestial pearl danios or dwarf emerald rasboras.
You could have shrimps as well, if you like.
fluttermoth said:
In that case, I would suggest a small group of one of these; male guppies or Endlers (Endlers are slightly smaller and less argumentative than guppies; you'll need all males, as you won't have room for fry as well!), celestial pearl danios or dwarf emerald rasboras.
You could have shrimps as well, if you like.
Ok thanks. How many do you reckon?
Eight, if you have the guppies, between eight and ten for the others; because they're very small fish, with a small bioload.
fluttermoth said:
Eight, if you have the guppies, between eight and ten for the others; because they're very small fish, with a small bioload.
Ok thanks.

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