Biorb Flow 15 Litre Shrimp Tank

Is it possible that this tank was given copper treatments by its previous owner?
You could consider keeping a few endlers in this tank for a few months and then try shrimp again?
Thanks guys,
Is there any way you can test for copper or any other substances in water that may affect shrimps and snails?
Daize, not a bad idea about the endlers but did originally ask if any fish are suitable for such a small tank and the general consensus was pretty much a no.
May just get 3 or 4 endlers but dont want to get anything that will not be happy in a 15 litre tank so I am absolutely 50/50 about that at the moment.
Crystal Reds or Blacks as well as Cardinas (one of my faves!) are really nice but these are quite expensive and difficult to obtain and can be a bit more difficult to look after compared to RCS for first timers.
And do not want to lose those, rather stick with easier to care for shrimps first before progressing to higher level of care shrimps.
Hope that makes sense.
According to our nano thread, a betta or a few endlers would be fine in 15L.
I've never kept either fish myself so I can't comment personally, I would simply use the nano list as a guide.
Otherwise I would consider trying some standard red cherries in case the orange ones are more sensitive?  But it may simply be that the tank needs time to mature before it is ready to add shrimp as they can be sensitive in general.  At least, I've always been advised to wait before adding shrimp.
daizeUK said:
According to our nano thread, a betta or a few endlers would be fine in 15L.
I've never kept either fish myself so I can't comment personally, I would simply use the nano list as a guide.
Otherwise I would consider trying some standard red cherries in case the orange ones are more sensitive?  But it may simply be that the tank needs time to mature before it is ready to add shrimp as they can be sensitive in general.  At least, I've always been advised to wait before adding shrimp.
Thats great thanks.
I was aware already that new tanks may need to mature a bit more before adding shrimps, but I just kinda hoped for the best and got what I thought were hardy shrimp but orange cherry ones.
Will certainly check out that nano link to check out what may help with our tank.
Is there no tests that can be used to check for copper or other metals that may affect shrimps and snails by the way?
Might be useful for me to get one of these kits (if they exist) so I can check periodically on my tanks for these elements.
Yes, a couple of the big test manufacturers do a copper kit...our favourite master test kit makers, API do one.
A few small fish in there is a good idea! Endlers, maybe chilli rasbora or celestial pearl danios might work (might be pushing it dimension wise, thought). A betta would have a go at shrimp me thinks, so maybe not one of those guys.
Yeah, was just about to say, that thinking of getting 5 males Endlers (according to that nano link) that would help with maturing the wee tank and hopefully these guys will be ok.
A couple of shrimps as well depending on what GF likes in LFS today.
Thanks for that fm will check out APi products for copper test kit
Thanks guys 
Might I suggest you leave the addition of any more shrimp for another wee while just until it matures a bit more?
You could try the endlers and just leave it to settle for another few weeks and then get some more shrimp. I'm not trying to be patronising, so please don't think that. It's just if you keep losing shrimp you'll get put off and maybe never get to enjoy them to their fullest.
fm - Absolutely did not even think you were being patronising or anything of the sort actually.
A very good and correct suggestion though.
I have actually found out why the BiOrb is doing badly. This is completely my fault really.
I bought this BiOrb second hand, right, and there are no instruction manual that came with it, was the least of my worries.
Today I went to my local LFS and asked a few question about BiOrb Flows to the staff, and the guys there said they don't like the BiOrb Flows.
Conversation between myself and staff at LFS.
Me - *pointing to the BiOrb on display* well, you sell it here in this shop 
Staff - yeah, do you see any fish or shrimps in it? Nope, empty except for ceramic rocks and a few plastic plants
Me - Whats the problem?
Staff - You can't have any gravel or sand in it at all, just the media rocks that comes with it. Did you get some? 
Me - yeah, got some when bought it, thought was ugly stuff, changed it for fine black gravel with some stones around the base of the filter for filtration. And covered some fine black gravel on top, make it look nice.
(showed him my pics on iPhone)
Staff - Looks pretty good actually yeah, I like that. Have you had fish dying?
Me - Not had any fish, shrimps and assassin snail, all died except one shrimp.....
Staff - *Nods, knowingly* yeah, your filter cannot filter anything with black gravel blocking the air holes on the filter base........
Me - But I had a handful stones and rocks at the base protecting those holes.....
Staff - Yup, but also you need ALL of the media rocks, thats where your bacteria is, and needs to flow into the filter base, thats why you cannot have gravel or sand, it blocks the filter intake........
Penny drops and relief actually in knowing what the problem was!!
Felt like a daft lump for not working that out in first place, thought a few rocks and stones surrounding the base would be fine. Nope!
So simple really!
GF hates the ceramic bio rocks/stones and refuses to have BiOrb without black gravel covering the rocks,. Had to agree it looks pretty horrible and bare with just these ceramic rocks, planting would be impossible except for Java fern and Anubias tied to bogwood on top of these rocks. Or stay with plastic plants on top.
Good for just fish or a few large shrimps, just a betta in that would be ok.
Sooooo, after some discussions we have decided to sell the BiOrb back on eBay, cash from that sale will go towards another different tank.
Bought another tank already! (nope, BiOrb not on sale on eBay yet!!) 

An Aquanano 30 which is a 22 litre tank with filter, heater and media hidden at back of tank, and most importantly, its bigger than the BiOrb 
I actually like this little tank, feels pretty well built and looks good at same time. Much better than BiOrb Flow IMO.
So will be starting another thread soon about Gf's new AquaNano Tank.
Oh, about the lone Orange Shrimp, GF still wants Orange shrimps but does NOT want them mixed with RCS in my tank for temp in case it breeds. 
Ok, whats our solution?
We got this set up in my main tank.....

Side of tank view....

Orange shrimp is in a small floating hatchery in my main tank!
The black suckers with spare spraybar pipe clips are positioned underneath and on side to stop it from sinking as the weight of boxwood, small amount of gravel, small cave pipe and moss ball would make it sink therefore Orange shrimp would get loose into my tank which GF does not want! lol
In actual fact that Orange shrimp is much more perky now, no joke, in BiOrb he hid a lot and not moved much. In this, he's all over the place quite happily exploring and I added a tiny wee portion of cooked pea, he is munching away. Lovely Jubbly!
A nice wee home for a lone shrimp and pretty nice as well.
Just for a week or so while I set up the new tank and get that cycled before adding the shrimp.
As well as getting 6 more shrimps, GF definitely wants Venus Guppies as well when tank fully set up in a wee while. She happy now!
That's interesting.  A lot of the biorb flows I see appear to have alfagrog in the bottom, now I know why.
Better luck with the new tank!  Does this mean you have to cycle it all over again?!
daizeUK said:
That's interesting.  A lot of the biorb flows I see appear to have alfagrog in the bottom, now I know why.
Better luck with the new tank!  Does this mean you have to cycle it all over again?!

Yup, now I know why too! 

Think just a mini cycle this time round, as will just transfer all the media from BiOrb to Nano Tank so just a case of checking bacteria colony has grown sufficiently for the slightly larger tank. Will certainly do water testing for a week or so to be sure.
Here's a sneak peak at GF's new tank.....

Gonna put in a few more small plants in foreground to have a bit more green would make it look nice. Any plant suggestions? Low tech....
Just thought I'd throw in a few pics of the BiOrb Filter for those who may not have understood what I mean about types of gravel affecting the flow of filtration.
 As you can see in the pics here, there is a gap at the bottom of the filter, this is for the flow of water to enter the filter.


And these are with the media rocks surrounding the filter, these rocks are fairly largish, and therefore plenty of space for water to flow around and the filter can suck in water to the gap at bottom of filter past these bacterial rocks


This is what we had in the tank, fine powered black gravel, looks lovely but completely choking the filter, not much tank water, if any, can get through that fine gravel so the effectiveness of the filter was vastly compromised.
(strange thing is, there was nothing unusual on any of the usual API tests we carried out during the whole time)


To anyone interested in the BiOrb Flow, it is a lovely tank and very pleasing to look at.
The filtration system is a fairly good one and not worth modifying really, it is meant to be used with these bacterial rock media.
You can place a few nice looking pebbles on top of the rocks, also anubias or java fern or java moss tied to bogwood will also make it look nice.
It is good as a Betta tank perhaps, or for large shrimps then this is a decent tank for those purposes for example.
But unfortunately for the purposes of having small shrimps and with these media rocks, just does not work for us. 
This BiOrb will be up for sale soon on eBay.

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