Bioload/ Live Aquaria/ Cycling 20 Gallon Long


Mostly New Member
Jan 19, 2014
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Im currently cycling a 20 gallon long tank with dr tims ammonium chloride and have been dosing 3ppm. I will start using tetra bacteria (safestart) to aid it. Once I get it cycled I have to buy the fish online all at the same time in order to save money. I plan on stocking the tank with 8-10 cardinal tetras, 10-12 MALE Endlers Live bearers and 8-6 red cherry shrimp/ ghost shrimp (maybe some otos/ghost catfish for the benefits). I know the tetra are sensitive. 
If the tetra die how do I have those replaced?
Should i dose more ammonia for that initial bio-load?
Should I use the bacteria?
Is Live Aquaria reliable?
I know my stocking numbers are high, but can I support the otos/ghost catfish and how many if i go with the lowest amount of the other fish?
I dont know if this is worth mentioning but I have:
Dwarf hair grass carpet
sword plant
a heater
a EX20 filter 
5 wpg 6500k fluorescent light
Nutrafin diy C02
i dose flourish weekly
Eco-Complete substrate
I plan on cycling the tank with 8-10 cardinal tetras...
Did you mean to say you plan on STOCKING the tank with fish, after the fishless cycle is complete?

Should i dose more ammonia for that initial bio-load? - No. You would risk overdosing which could stall the process completely.
Should I use the bacteria? - Yes, can't hurt.

I'll let someone else advise you on the fish!
Firstly, since you are in the States, Dr. Tim's bacteria is superior to the tetra product. In fact I normally only suggest the Tetra to folks who cannot get Dr Tim's.
I would suggest you either follow the directions in the article here for a fishless cycle or else use the Dr Tim's and follow his directions. You can filly cycle a tank in about a week using the combination of his products.
If you cycle a tank to 3 ppm it should pretty much handle any bio-load.
I would never put more than 3 wpg over almost any planted tank unless you have an unusually deep tank. I had a thriving planted 20L up for many years with only 40 watts of T12 Trichromatic fluorescent bulbs and Excel. Unless you have chose a dwarf sword, it should outgrow the tank in about 3-4 weeks in the set up you have. Any non- dwarf variety of sword is too large for a 20L. In fact I would suggest to most people who wish to supplement co2, go high light etc. not to consider a tank under 18 or so inches deep and closer to 24 is better.
Flourish will not be enough for that tank either. It is a micro/trace element supplement and with high light co2 added tanks you need to be dosing the macros as well. I don;t mean to be rude by asking this, but is this your first ever tank? If it is, imo you are probably in a bit over your head.
Moreover, with your light level and co2 trying to do a normal fishless cycle will probably end you up with more algae than you thought could fit into a 20 long. If you do use a bottled bacteria for a fast cycle, follow the directions on the site of the product you get and not the article here. That article is designed specifically for mostly non-planted tanks which are not jump started with bacteria.
the light is for the grass and the sword is a dwarf of course. What do I dose for macros and yea lol it is my first go. I saw this wpg for another 20 long where he carpeted the tank on youtube and he had no problems with algae.
alright i bought seachem npk for the macros so Im covered right?

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