Bigger Tank = More Fishies ! Any Suggestions ?


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Apr 28, 2013
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I'm moving from a 125L Roma to the 240L version as I type. Got the Aquamanta 1500 U on it so good amount of filtration and movement all the way across the surface. Will be moving my plants over too. 4 pieces of bogwood in various states of nibble and some hides in various sizes. More plants will go in in due course so we've got two densely packed ends with a more open centre section, one of the ends will be mainly plec hide territory. 
We inherited some fish with the first tank, added some, then lost some so haven't got the ideal amount of certain breeds (i.e. tetra) but would like some suggestions on one or two more 'unusual' fish that might fit into the community and provide a great look. 
So clearly I need to get some more Neons in. The Sharks and Angels went into together with other fish already established, so there has been zero trouble there. We had a slight redtail problem, but put more hides in and now its happily sharing the tank with just the occasional food squabble. Hopefully the larger tank will give it more opportunity to have its little area without too much interference. 
Current Stock : 
1 Common Plec - 15 to 18cm
2 Bristlenose Plecs - 8 to 10cm
2 Bronze Corys
2 Boeseman Rainbowfish
3 Black Widow Tetra
2 Sepae Tetra
1 Neon Tetra (currently hangs out with the Boesemans)
1 Red Tail Black Shark
1 Albino Ruby Shark
2 Angels
2 Large Assassin Snails
So, suggestions of something that will add a splash of colour or bizzare to the above is more than welcomed ! Timing wise we'll look to add some neons to the mix first and then a few weeks later look to add anything wonderfully suggested below. 
Hi Matt! Exciting times! I went from a 125 to a 240 and really enjoyed it, it opens up so much opportunity for fish to keep!
I have to say though, first thing I would do is sort out which fish you want to keep, you have a lot of schooling fish that will sort of be happy together and will act as a shoal but its not a good situation. In the wild these fish are found in shoals of hundreds, they live like this to feel secure and as a defense mechanism against predators.
To them low numbers of their own species means there is a predator around and their death is imminent... dramatic right! But thats what their instincts are telling them.
In aquariums, we can rarely house them in 100s but what we can do is keep enough so that each fish roughly has enough members of their own species in their line of sight. Think of it being a minimum of 6 but ideally you want 10 - 12 of each shoaling fish and of the exact species rather than a similar one.
The fish that you have that fall into this are your:
Bronze Corys
Boeseman Rainbowfish
Black Widow Tetra
Sepae Tetra
Neon Tetra
Being kept like this puts the fish under a lot of "stress" which makes them more susceptible to disease should anything else go wrong in your tank, eg a power cut, new fish being added and bringing in a disease etc etc plenty of situations where problems would be created that could be prevented by keeping higher numbers of just a few of the species you have now rather than more species in lower numbers.
I would look at choosing a few species from what you have now and increasing them to suitable numbers to avoid the situation I outlined above. Main reason for this is upping all the schools to good levels will overstock your tank before you even add anything else...
Now, I hate to say it but... your common plec, its going to outgrow even the 240 liter, your looking at 400 liters at least for a fully grown one. Even more if its a Gibbiceps... I think I would rehome this guy as well
The Sharks, two of these in this sized tank is not a fantastic idea generally but there are exceptions I felt I had to mention this as housing the two together will be creating similar "stressful" situations as the tetras being kept in low numbers. Their track record generally is not good together and problems can flare up at any time! Like I say there are exceptions and I cant judge as well as you can given that you are seeing the tank every day. :)
Lastly on the negatives... I hate to say it but over all I dont think you would be able to keep any new fish, I think in the 125 the tank is massively over stocked and the 240 still runs a risk, I have been trying for a while here to get to a rough idea of where you could get to without taking out too many fish and so you could add more but the cuts end up being pretty drastic. Initially I was thinking
2 Angels
10 Black Widow Tetra
10 Bronze Corys
1 Red Tail Black Shark
1 Albino Ruby Shark
2 Bristlenose Plecs
2 Large Assassin Snails
Which sort of gives you the correct numbers I would hope for if I was stocking from scratch BUT even that over stocks you in a 240 liter tank. 240 liters is about 63 gallons and that list works out to about 80 inches of adult fish and while the inch per gallon "rule" is very vague and very very sketchy and only based on very rough guess work it is generally a good guide as to where you stand.
Maybe an other route would be
2 Angels
6 Bosmani Rainbows
10 Bronze Cories
2 Angels
10 Black Widow Tetra
10 Bronze Cories
2 Bristlenose Plecs
2 Angels
10 Black Widow Tetra
10 Bronze Cories
1 Rainbow Shark
1 Red Tailed Shark
Both of those lists work out at between 60-70 inches of fish which I think you will get away with nicely :) But it is a big cut down from your current stock. Your sort of in a catch 22 situation, I guess the Sharks and the Angels are your main fish but between them thats 24 inches of fish then the two correct schools of Cories and the Tetras are 40 inches so 64 inches there and your stocked... 
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news and I hope it hasnt dashed your enthusiasm :/
*disclaimer - though I mention the inch per gallon rule a lot here its not an acknowledgement of it being an accurate way to stock a tank... Its a very rough guide to work out stock in a quick timescale. More research is required to make a fully rounded tank :)

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