Big Problems


Fish Addict
Aug 15, 2014
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someone i know has a rainbow shark, two bala sharks, two guppies, and this DSC_0384.jpg . in a 10 gal. he is looking at upgrading how big must he get to keep all of them
probably around 100  gal---the bal sharks  grow  very big---about 16 inches long
Bala sharks get HUGE, not just big - and are very active fish.
Balas can grow to 14 inches long, and are active swimmers (which the name shark would suggest)
Honestly, in my opinion, anything less than an 8 foot tank is cruel, although a 12 foot tank would be my suggestion.  And 12 foot tanks are very rare, which is why I feel that bala sharks are a fish that really have no place in the hobby.  They just can't be properly housed in any reasonably sized tank.
I agree with Eagles on the bala sharks. They shouldn't be kept in groups less than 5 either or bullying can occur.
You can read more about them HERE. I would suggest your friend to re-home them, honestly.
The rainbow shark would be best in at least a 4ft long tank.
The fish in the picture looks to be a synodontis eupterus (commonly called featherfin squeaker I believe), which if what I've read is will also require a 4ft long tank (at the least, bigger would be better ofcourse).
I'm not sure how well the shark and it will get along as the shark can be a bit territorial (though not as much as the red-tailed black shark) and they both stay towards the bottom.
The syno may also eat the guppies once it gets larger.
ok he says that he is willing to rehome the bala sharks  

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