Bettas tail


New Member
Sep 2, 2003
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Kempner, Texas
:grr: My youngest son thought that Purple Rain my betta needed a tail trimming! The problem is that he also cut off about an 1/8 inch part of the body. This was done about a week ago. Can the missing part grow back. He is swimming fine and eating good.

Omg, thats sounds horrible and painful for your fish. I've heard of fins growing back(with some help of salt and/or melafix or some other medicine for wounds), but if part of his body has been cut off also.......i dont know. If he does make it through, it will be a long painful process. Definitely keep a close eye on him. He will be vulnerable right now to disease and parasites. But if he's eating, thats a good sign.
I've never owned a betta so maybe someone else could help you answer in more detail...

hope all goes well!
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :-(

Keep his water clean, preferably cycled water. It will grow back, I've brought home males with such bad cases of fin rot that they just had stumps at the end of their body and they all grew new finnage. Make sure he gets plenty of good food to boost his immune system, good luck!
OMG! :-(

I read about the melafix, and I was told by the manager at Petsmart that it'd kill the betta. He recommended bettafix, and it seems to have helped (it stopped the fin loss and the betta isn't clamping his fins). It's always prudent to buy bettafix and melafix (sometimes in bulk) in case something like this happens. Never let yourself be caught w/o meds...

Anywho, the fins should grow back w/ salt and meds. I've done research and read articles where people healed fish only with salt. Salt baths and adding a pinch of salt each day for a week should help. Also keep up the partial water changes unless you're treating.

Can you describe what happened? Lots of blood in the water? I hope it was a sharp pair of knives, it must've hurt if they were dull! (They should have a "shudder" smilies for this)

It's been well over a week since the incedent added 1/4 tsp of salt to the tank. Purple Rain is doing just fine swimming around and eating. there was no blood what so ever.
Not sure what Mr.Fishy found so hilarious about this topic :huh:

Glad to hear he's doing well DW :wub:

Yes melafix and bettafix are the same, only lower concentrations in bettafix. I've also heard that tree oil is not good for bettas because it damages their labyrinth organ.

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