Had eight male bettas in 10 gallon tank segregated in 1/2 gallon jars, tank being a water bath to keep them at 80F. Did 75-80% water changes twice weekly and rotated neighbors! All were happy, healthy and active. Each had a Java Fern in with them. But I felt guilty after joining the board about small living spaces so made 2 identical tanks, each 10 gallons, with one male in each, others rehomed. Now have sponge filter, plenty of Java Ferns, moss, and water parameters identical to before, temp 78-80F, ph7. Have not cycled with single betta in each but tested for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate all still zero. BOTH dead the next morning and hiding first day; before very open and active. Rechecked water, then added two more of the rehomed males to the two tanks. Both hiding and looking poorly. Any ideas? Only "new" variables is slight movement from sponge filters, black aquarium sand, bottles were bare, and Mopani driftwood bought from lfs that was well rinsed. Help please. Should I drain all water and restart?