Hi everyone,
Just need a little help figuring out what to do about a weird mark I found on my betta.
Today I noticed a little white-ish mark on the top of his head, it's like a little circle. It's pretty small and doesn't look fluffy yet. I have been reading through different threads online and was thinking it might be a few different things (columnaris, the hole in the head thing?) but I'm not sure. I'm even thinking he might've just got himself wedged between something in his tank and lost a scale because he is pretty active and seems to play around the filter a lot.
He's in a 15L filtered tank with silk plants and a heater, although because I live in Australia the temperature stays at about 27C (?80F) without the heater switching itself on. I don't know the tank parameters, my LFS just said they were ok. I ordered a test kit online not thinking I would need it urgently, so still waiting for that to arrive. I do water changes at least on a weekly basis, usually about 40%. His fins looked a bit torn, but I think he was ripping them on one silk plant so I removed it.
His behaviour is still normal and he's eating well (super hungry if anything). I tried to get a decent photo but couldn't manage it, plus he kept flaring and getting a bit annoyed by the camera
My main question is, is there anything I can do when he still seems healthy just in case it does turn out to be columnaris or something ugly? Or should I wait and see what happens... After reading some threads I thought maybe some aquarium salt, but I haven't used this before
Also should I order any medications online just in case, my LFS is a bit limited.
Sorry for all the writing but hopefully I haven't missed anything important. I'd be grateful for any advice
Just need a little help figuring out what to do about a weird mark I found on my betta.
Today I noticed a little white-ish mark on the top of his head, it's like a little circle. It's pretty small and doesn't look fluffy yet. I have been reading through different threads online and was thinking it might be a few different things (columnaris, the hole in the head thing?) but I'm not sure. I'm even thinking he might've just got himself wedged between something in his tank and lost a scale because he is pretty active and seems to play around the filter a lot.
He's in a 15L filtered tank with silk plants and a heater, although because I live in Australia the temperature stays at about 27C (?80F) without the heater switching itself on. I don't know the tank parameters, my LFS just said they were ok. I ordered a test kit online not thinking I would need it urgently, so still waiting for that to arrive. I do water changes at least on a weekly basis, usually about 40%. His fins looked a bit torn, but I think he was ripping them on one silk plant so I removed it.
His behaviour is still normal and he's eating well (super hungry if anything). I tried to get a decent photo but couldn't manage it, plus he kept flaring and getting a bit annoyed by the camera
My main question is, is there anything I can do when he still seems healthy just in case it does turn out to be columnaris or something ugly? Or should I wait and see what happens... After reading some threads I thought maybe some aquarium salt, but I haven't used this before

Sorry for all the writing but hopefully I haven't missed anything important. I'd be grateful for any advice