Last few days, my betta has been acting strange and exhibiting strange behavior.
Today at school I talked with my tech teacher, she has a degree in biology and worked at the National Aquarium in Baltimore.
We concluded, based on the symptons and past living conditions, Alpha most likely has columnaris. His symptons match up. I'm going to PetSmart to pick up some Mardel Maracyn Two, and I'm putting Alpha in QT. The filter unfortunatley, is too strong and he's been sucked up there before, so no filter. I have a heater, and will lower the water a little so he can breathe easier. As well as a fake plant. I can use a battery operated air pump to disturb the water, just for a little bit of current.
I really, really hope he pulls through.
I'm giving him a treat before he goes in, some frozen mysis shrimp and bloodworms. I will need to do daily water changes, and I'll use Seachem Prime and StressCoat+. I'll move his betta hammock in there too.
I will also be disenfecting the gravel vacuum, bucket, and syringes I use to add chemicals and distribute frozen food.
Should I add aquarium salt to help with the recovery?
I really want him to pull through
Today at school I talked with my tech teacher, she has a degree in biology and worked at the National Aquarium in Baltimore.
We concluded, based on the symptons and past living conditions, Alpha most likely has columnaris. His symptons match up. I'm going to PetSmart to pick up some Mardel Maracyn Two, and I'm putting Alpha in QT. The filter unfortunatley, is too strong and he's been sucked up there before, so no filter. I have a heater, and will lower the water a little so he can breathe easier. As well as a fake plant. I can use a battery operated air pump to disturb the water, just for a little bit of current.
I really, really hope he pulls through.
I'm giving him a treat before he goes in, some frozen mysis shrimp and bloodworms. I will need to do daily water changes, and I'll use Seachem Prime and StressCoat+. I'll move his betta hammock in there too.
I will also be disenfecting the gravel vacuum, bucket, and syringes I use to add chemicals and distribute frozen food.
Should I add aquarium salt to help with the recovery?
I really want him to pull through