Betta With Columnaris


Cogito Ergo Sum
May 29, 2011
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Last few days, my betta has been acting strange and exhibiting strange behavior.
Today at school I talked with my tech teacher, she has a degree in biology and worked at the National Aquarium in Baltimore.

We concluded, based on the symptons and past living conditions, Alpha most likely has columnaris. His symptons match up. I'm going to PetSmart to pick up some Mardel Maracyn Two, and I'm putting Alpha in QT. The filter unfortunatley, is too strong and he's been sucked up there before, so no filter. I have a heater, and will lower the water a little so he can breathe easier. As well as a fake plant. I can use a battery operated air pump to disturb the water, just for a little bit of current.

I really, really hope he pulls through.
I'm giving him a treat before he goes in, some frozen mysis shrimp and bloodworms. I will need to do daily water changes, and I'll use Seachem Prime and StressCoat+. I'll move his betta hammock in there too.
I will also be disenfecting the gravel vacuum, bucket, and syringes I use to add chemicals and distribute frozen food.

Should I add aquarium salt to help with the recovery?

I really want him to pull through
If the columnaris is really bad I would use both Maracyn 1 + 2.
Lower temp as the bacteria thrives at highter temps. Get you some info.
Use an airstone. As meds reduce 02 in the water.
Salt will be fine.


The hospital tank should be heated to approx. 74 degrees. 76 and above is the ideal breeding temperature for columnaris. Though there is some dispute over lowering the temperature, my experience has been that 72 is too low for the medication to work rapidly, 76+ causes the disease to breed more rapidly than the anti-biotic can kill, and 74 is "just right." Remember to keep this temperature stable!

Text (c) Lauren Weeks
If the columnaris is really bad I would use both Maracyn 1 + 2.
Lower temp as the bacteria thrives at highter temps. Get you some info.
Use an airstone. As meds reduce 02 in the water.
Salt will be fine.

The heater in the QT is a "betta bowl heater" and is set to 76 degrees, so I can't change that. I have Mardel Maracyn Plus, would that work with Maracyn-Two? How would you define "really bad"? I have some pictures:




Thar fish is in a real bad state.
It touch and go.

Good Luck.
Lets us all know how the Betta gets on. That's if you don't mind.
He's in QT, air pump and heater going. Added Mardel Maracyn Plus, and if my parents ever got off their lazy butts we could go to Petsmart and get some Mardel Maracyn Two and aquarium salt.

He wouldn't eat the worms...those are his favorite treats.....
Is it really that hopeless, Wilder? :-(

Please, please, please, please let him live :-( :no:
Maracyn Plus is good as it a gram positive, and gram negative med.

The betta is in bad shape but fish can sometimes surprise you.
I hope the little betta does pull throw.
Maracyn Plus is good as it a gram positive, and gram negative med.

The betta is in bad shape but fish can sometimes surprise you.
I hope the little betta does pull throw.

So, should I still add Maracyn Mardel Two, since columnaris is gram negative? Or would it be too much?
And the preset heater in the QT is permanently set at 76 degrees, and I can't change that! No money for another heater :no:
Info on Maracyn Plus
If it is columnaris and he lived for so long with it, then he is a tough little fish. Hope he makes it!!! The best of luck and keep us updated.
If it is columnaris and he lived for so long with it, then he is a tough little fish. Hope he makes it!!! The best of luck and keep us updated.

He's apparantley had it since we rescued him in August, I blame myself for not catching on until it got severe.
I coaxed him to eat a single bloodworm. At least he's still healthy enough to eat.

Should I still add Maracyn-2? And the preset heater is set at 76, so can I still cure him?
Would it be good to add AmmoniaLock or something like it to prevent massive buildups? Or is Prime and daily water changes enough?

And I'm disinfecting my gravel vacuum, syringes, measuring/food soaking cups,tweezers, and bucket with a water/bleach combination. If i rinse it with water afterwords, it should be safe to use in the tanks again, right?
No don't add Maracyn 2.
Maracyn Plus is really the same as adding 1 + 2.

Water changes. Just add the correct amount of med back to water removed.
I never used ammonia-lock, so can't really offer and advice on the product in question.
No don't add Maracyn 2.
Maracyn Plus is really the same as adding 1 + 2.

Water changes. Just add the correct amount of med back to water removed.
I never used ammonia-lock, so can't really offer and advice on the product in question.

It's really AmmoLock, by API.

So, just aquarium salt, and hope for the best? Anything else I can add?
Make sure you really rinse them well after using bleach. Let them dry out. If nice outside, dry them out doors. In a safe place,
away from aminals doing there buisness on them.
Make sure you really rinse them well after using bleach. Let them dry out. If nice outside, dry them out doors. In a safe place,
away from aminals doing there buisness on them.

Ok, I will be sure to rinse it like 5 times before using it. I'll let it dry outside on the bench. Should it be in sunlight? Or shade?

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