Betta Troubles Again, Columnaris?


Oct 10, 2009
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This is sort of a followup from another thread: http://www.fishforum...ta-have-a-worm/

I may have committed the cardinal sin of antibiotics... Not using them for long enough!!!

About a month ago I had this problem (some finrot, white fuzzyness, and constipation(?)) and thought I had it sorted out.

I had ended up doing 5 days worth of both maracyn 1 and 2 together... I could have gone longer, but it was such a pain to split up the packets for a 2 gallon tank, etc. and 5 days was how long a packet would last when divided up for the small tank.

Basically, I was lazy and her finrot had disappeared, and the fuzzy spot on her side didn't look so fuzzy anymore so I figured I was in the clear.

Fast forward to today, no finrot (fortunately), but I think she is showing signs of columnaris or something similar. The fuzzy spot on her side is back, and there is now a tendril of white fuzzy stuff that's been on her lower jaw for the past couple days. I've been changing the water every other day, and added a quarter teaspoon of salt after I noticed this.

Thing is, since I already used maracyn and maracyn 2, I'm thinking the whatever-this-is will just be resistant to them now. Is there anything I can do? Is it possible just clean water and salt can clear this up? I really don't want to put out money on medicines that might not work.

I just wish this fish would stay healthy for once, I feel awful

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