Betta tank

That's fine for guppies. But my warning about the numbers of babies still stands.

I would go for an all male tank because they are prettier and females can store sperm and will continue having babies for several months without a male.

Or look at endlers, again all males. They do have the same issues with fry, but they are smaller, don't have the long flowing tails which can get nipped if guppies have a fight, and in my opinion look better than guppies.

The thing with guppy or endler fry is that there will be just so many of them. You would have to keep them until they reached a saleable size, by which time there will be at least one more batch of fry. Most shops won't take them as they can get them very cheaply from the wholesaler, and they worry your tank might be infected with something. And there's a limit to how many fry you can sell/give away privately.
Guppies are livebearers, livebearers breed like crazy, that 64L would be overwhelmed with too many fish in very little time.
If you have hard water (as mentioned by a previous poster) tetras are not suitable as the majority of them are soft water fish.

But even with fry-eating fish there will still be a lot of them that don't get eaten.
In a 64 litre tank with guppies, depending on the hardness of the water a species of bottom dwelling fish would be OK. Some species of cory can live in hardish water but not very hard water.

Have you looked for the hardness of your water? Which water company are you with? Looking at nearby places on Thames Water suggests your water could be borderline for cories.
I’m with Thames water I think ... how to I test the hardness ? And I have two cories in my 180 at the moment
For hardness, check you are paying your bills to Thames Water, then go to their website and look for 'water quality report' There should be a link in there for hardness where you type in your postcode.

If you do have hard water, the smaller livebearers (guppies, endlers) are suitable as are some of the smaller rainbowfish such as these
So , I’m thinking all male guppies ( endlers ) 2 mollies or Platies and then some rummy nose tetras ?
Hi all ! I am getting two nano 22l tanks and I want to keep one male betta . Now the question is I am going to have a guppy , molly and pleco tank and then I would like a tank with my betta but I would also like some plecos , barbs and rams in there will that work ? If not what fish can I have with the betta ?
plecos in particular need a bigger tank than a 22l
I think we've gone past the 22 litre tanks and are now talking about a 64 litre tank.

Rummy nose tetras are soft water fish, I'm afraid. Mollies get too big for 60 litres. Platies are a possibility, but again only males or you'll be overrun with fry.
Ok Platies and guppies it is then .... how do I tell the difference between males and females Platies ? I could get a few bristlenose ?

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