Betta Tank Advice/opinions Please


Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2013
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I currently have a 25 litre tank set up currently holding 9 Platy fry, when these are old enough to be moved it will be home to a Male HM Betta, it has an air powered filter, 75 watt flat heater, live palnts, bogwood.....please share ypur opinions on the set and some advice will be great...this will be my first "proper" Betta (I have a male in my community tank, by accident, hes not a big fancy one but is very happy in there)
Maybe a couple of broad leaf plants, like some anubias - my betta likes to lie on the leaves!
Do they have any special requirements? I don't really know anything about plants,
dont plant it, anubias roots need to be exposed so it  can be tied to the wood you already have,  it will look great and the betta will love it
also you'v got a none aquatic plant in there, the redish one with green vain like leaves infront of the wood as for anubias its an easy plant to grow just dont plant it in the substrate as it will rot, sit it ontop (the roots can go in the substrate just not the top bit), id also add a few crypts there easy to grow plants as well 
The green with Bright red veins?? I never would have known, I brought that from my local aquatics centre. have definately thoought of broader leaves as i think it looks a little busy in there for a betta
yes the first plant from the front low down, its not aquatic, its no fault of your own, theres quite a few plants which are sold ALOT which are not truly aquatic, you want to take it out or it will rot causing water problems, (i think everyone who starts with plants makes that mistake, i know i have) 
It would make sense as they have fell apart very quickly, they are the newest in there, 3 days ago, and they were 3 times as big

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