Betta Tank #4


Aug 12, 2009
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Due to a scuffle in my betta sorority, I'm rehousing my new boy (Castiel) in a Lifespace 34 - I need his old 5 gallon tank for the female trouble-maker. Seeing as it's a completely new tank, I thought I'd keep track of my progress. I'm not sure how good the lighting is so I'm sticking to easy, low-light plants for now.
Tank: Betta Lifespace 34 (black). Here's the box: (i forgot to take a pic of it out of the box and empty).

Substrate: JBL manado and (eventually) play sand. I have this combination in all my tanks and it works well for me.
No CO2, no ferts.
Plants: anubias, java fern, vallis, a tiny bit of java moss
Fish: black cellophane half-moon betta:

I will get a handful of tetras to join him when I have the money. Probably some assassin snails too.
The tank seems good enough. It was the most easily available and cheapest for almost 8 gallons. I'm slightly concerned about the lighting, but hopefully the extra light from the tanks on either side of it will keep the plants going.

My ingenious, spillage-proof method for tank filling:

You've got to love gravity.
Looks a nice tank! Is Castiel in it yet? I'm sure he does/will love it!

TBH, I wouldn't add any Tetras in with him, not in a 8G. Nerite or Assassin and/or shrimp would be good tank mates though!
Blondielovesfish said:
Looks a nice tank! Is Castiel in it yet? I'm sure he does/will love it!

TBH, I wouldn't add any Tetras in with him, not in a 8G. Nerite or Assassin and/or shrimp would be good tank mates though!
Yup i've put him in. I think he's enjoying the extra space, and the LED lights actually bring out his colour beautifully. I know it's a small tank for any other fish - I just hate having him in there on his own. It looks so empty.
Filling the tank:

And here it is with the plants in. It's not a good scape - I didn't have time or money to buy anything new so that selection will have to do for now.



And the man himself:
Looks really good, hope you're pleased?

He won't mind being on his own at all, infant he may well prefer it! - much easier feeding wise too, you can ensure he gets the correct amount of food without over feeding as he's eating the others food, or under feeding as the tetras are getting there quicker.
He will be fine on his own, check out the snails in my Topic > Betta Tank Upgrade: Fluval Spec 19 Litre, they are cool to have in with a Betta :)
+1 with Shelster, the tetras can be very fast to the food.  I have a fighter who stalks the tank all the time and chases the smaller fish - so they are going to have to be moved sadly!  My other boys however, are fine with other fish in with them, I just need to make sure I get food to them all.  So, it depends on the Bettas personality really, just be prepared to move anything if he does not co-habit with.  Amano Shrimp are very fast and also help keeping the tank clean from fallen food, give them cucumber now and again - they will demolish it in no time!
I believe the tank looks great, as I like the natural look.  I like your combination, of substrate, may look at that in the future.  You will see all the fun I had with substrate setting up my 180L (see link in signature).
I really like the tank! Hope he is happy in there xx
Shelster said:
Looks really good, hope you're pleased?

He won't mind being on his own at all, infant he may well prefer it! - much easier feeding wise too, you can ensure he gets the correct amount of food without over feeding as he's eating the others food, or under feeding as the tetras are getting there quicker.
I'm more pleased with it this morning - I'm such a pessimist when I'm sleepy. Now that the bubbles have cleared, the LED lighting looks a lot less blue and the plants don't seem so sparse. I probably will leave him alone or with snails. I've never seen bettas being slow to get to food. My 3-year old veil-tail, Pluto, lives with 8 harlequins and he's a right beast.
He is a lot lazier than Cas though.
RCA said:
He will be fine on his own, check out the snails in my Topic > Betta Tank Upgrade: Fluval Spec 19 Litre, they are cool to have in with a Betta

+1 with Shelster, the tetras can be very fast to the food.  I have a fighter who stalks the tank all the time and chases the smaller fish - so they are going to have to be moved sadly!  My other boys however, are fine with other fish in with them, I just need to make sure I get food to them all.  So, it depends on the Bettas personality really, just be prepared to move anything if he does not co-habit with.  Amano Shrimp are very fast and also help keeping the tank clean from fallen food, give them cucumber now and again - they will demolish it in no time!
I believe the tank looks great, as I like the natural look.  I like your combination, of substrate, may look at that in the future.  You will see all the fun I had with substrate setting up my 180L (see link in signature).
I was going to say, it all depends on the betta really. My other boy, Pluto, really likes some company. He loves 'herding' the harlequins in his tank about (not chasing them, just leading the shoal) and he flares at me whenever I put my hand near them when I'm cleaning. Whatever shoal I put in with him, he mothers them a bit. It's cute.
'm trying to work out Castiel's personality but I keep getting distracted by how shiny he is.
I have plenty of space in 2 other tanks, so re-homing wouldn't be an issue, although I probably won't get more fish for the tank. I was just worried that he would get bored on his own. I really like shrimp, but I'm not sure if Cas is the type who enjoys a shrimpy snack ... yet. They're kind of expensive to take the risk. But if they're really fast, they should be OK. Hmmm. I'll think about it.
I love the natural look. I can't stand plastic plants in my tanks. *shiver* I've become such an elitist. I would definitely recommend JBL manado. I haven't put the playsand in the tank yet and I noticed that it was harder to plant (especially with the thin vallis roots) without it. The great thing is that neither of the substrates needs all that much rinsing.
I had so many issues with aqua base when I tried it. Now I'm too scared to use any kind of soil. I was washing muddy clumps out of the sand for weeks!
Your tank's looking good. I was actually checking out your journal yesterday. Spooky. Can't wait to see it planted.
Ooh and for anyone worried about cycling, I'm using the filter from his old tank for now and will continue to for a few months (along with his new filter) I had to remove the filter that came with the tank because:
1) it was VERY noisy. Although it may have got quieter with time, the tank's just at the bottom of my bed so I can't be dealing with any noise whatsoever.
2) I've never had a trickle filter before. I probably would have given it a go if it wasn't for the noise, but i was still a bit uncertain about it. Btw any input on them would be helpful? I'm keeping it in my spares box so I can put it back in if it grows on me.
3) i'm getting very protective of baby Cassie and I'm nervous about anything that could hurt him. I'm not sure about the filter's suction, but his tail's too purty to risk it.
I was planning on getting a filter that can properly handle the tank capacity today (his current one really is only a 5 gallon filter), but I slept in till 4pm
Ah well, another day! And, as long as it's only him in there, I'm sure he'll be fine.
Slept in til 4pm?! Want to swap lives? :D

Tank and betta look fantastic! :fish:
DaveIOW said:
Slept in til 4pm?! Want to swap lives?

Tank and betta look fantastic!
i'm a student. i'm allowed! lol.
Cas was flaring a bit earlier. Sorry for the waterspots and camera reflection.
The LED lights make him look much more blue. I like it.

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