Fish Fanatic
So... I got a new betta almost three weeks ago. I know from past experience, some bettas wont eat at first but they eventually do. Well my guy Zoom, is going for a record. Three weeks, and still wont eat. I've done water changes, offered different kinds of food (pellet is usually what I feed my fish, but Ive tried peas, blood worms, brine shrimp, tubifix worms, flakes, and even algae wafers.) I know algae wafers arent a normal diet, but I put them in for the snails and some of my bettas would pick at them. So.... Any suggestions. I'm beginning to wonder if I didnt get a mentally insane fish... from the time he is awake to the time he sleeps he swims around and around and around in his tank. (Hence how he got his name. ) Hes been doing this for nearly as long as I had him. Im at wits end on what to do with him. Im not too overly concerned, I mean he is VERY active, but still, cant think of what else to do. Any suggestions?
Here's a link to a video that shows his "Zooming" behavior: http
Here's a link to a video that shows his "Zooming" behavior: http