Betta Still Wont Eat!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
United States
So... I got a new betta almost three weeks ago. I know from past experience, some bettas wont eat at first but they eventually do. Well my guy Zoom, is going for a record. Three weeks, and still wont eat. I've done water changes, offered different kinds of food (pellet is usually what I feed my fish, but Ive tried peas, blood worms, brine shrimp, tubifix worms, flakes, and even algae wafers.) I know algae wafers arent a normal diet, but I put them in for the snails and some of my bettas would pick at them. So.... Any suggestions. I'm beginning to wonder if I didnt get a mentally insane fish... from the time he is awake to the time he sleeps he swims around and around and around in his tank. (Hence how he got his name. ) Hes been doing this for nearly as long as I had him. Im at wits end on what to do with him. Im not too overly concerned, I mean he is VERY active, but still, cant think of what else to do. Any suggestions?
Here's a link to a video that shows his "Zooming" behavior:
Maybe he is picking the leftover food from the gravel.  Fish often get plenty of nutrition from this.  He doesn't look emaciated or even thin in the video.  Just keep offering the food and he might come around to actually eating from the top.
Gorgeous tank, by the way!
He actually looks very healthy. I've had some bettas that refused to eat in the past. In every case of mine, though they didn't go 3 whole weeks, they would eventually snap out of it and start eating again. I don't know what makes them hol' up like that, but hopefully yours will come around and do the same. Good luck! and beautiful bowl!
CoryLover95 said:
Maybe he is picking the leftover food from the gravel.  Fish often get plenty of nutrition from this.  He doesn't look emaciated or even thin in the video.  Just keep offering the food and he might come around to actually eating from the top.
Gorgeous tank, by the way!
I agree, I think he's probably eating the food after it sinks to the bottom.

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