betta...please help!

pandora's lily

Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2004
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in a chair...
i've asked for help before but no one seems to know what to do with this so i'll post it again, in the emergency section cuz that's what's its turned into.

i've had my betta about three weeks now, and he's been fine with everything, eating, his temp (70, i know a little low, but its steady), until about five days ago. he'd stopped eating and was very sluggish, next day was the same, the day after was lying on the bottom of his bowl and when i came over to take a look at him, he flipped out and started to swim as fast as he could smacking into the walls of the glass and the gravel, finally sinking nose first into the bottom. now, a couple days later, he's still lying on the bottom, barely moving, gills are very slow, and his left eye looks like it has this white film over it and its grown in size. i've done some research of my own and it sounds like it could be popeye or a swim bladder disorder. i don't think its the first cuz his water is partially changed every three days and fully changed every week. its very clean.

can anyone help or give advice? i really don't want to clove oil him, but its been a while now and i don't want him to suffer anymore....
-_- Popeye is when the eyes bulge of of their sockets and simply look popped out. Swim Bladder disease is when the fish swims unbalanced and it's a bldder infection. I would reccomend treating him with Jungle Fungus Clear Tank Buddies becasue it cures both Popeye and Swim Bladder Disease. Good luck! :thumbs:

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