Betta Not Eating


Mostly New Member
Oct 23, 2014
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i have a 70 litre tank all with heater filter sand substrate. theres plenty hiding space toys and soft plants. monday i bought 9 harlequins a pleco and a male betta blue with a discolouration of pinkish tail. all is well apart from that my betta wont eat anything apart from bloodworms, i have betta flakes and he wont come to the top of the tank for food only for the bloodworms and air. is this normal is he settling in the tank still. the water is fine the temperature is perfect and the filter is on low as theres to much current even o still strong current on low. but otherwise all the fish are fine my harlequins are eating like theyve never seen food before and my pleco is eating his wafers and algea fine. is this normal for the betta as i am a first time owner. please help
As long as he's eating something that's the main thing. Try soaking his dry food for half an hour first to soften it (can use tank water or aquarium garlic juice)They can appear to be spitting the food out but they are just trying to soften it. Only feed small amounts tho as their stomachs are only as big as one of their eyes.
can i do this with betta flakes aswel like soak them for abit then see if he will pop up and eat them.
Can you give us the exact temperature and water parameters? (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)
How did you acclimate him? Did you cycle the tank? If so, how?
I think you can soak flakes but I would stick to pellets as they're less likely to cause bloat (which bettas are prone to) and it is much easier to measure how much you're feeding.
Have the rasboras been bothering him at all?

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