Betta Laying At The Bottom Of Tank


New Member
Sep 19, 2012
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I'm new to this forum, just need a few opinions on how to do this as easily and safely for my betta.

I had a Halfmoon shipped from a breeder in Thailand to Canada in three days. I have a 6gal with heater, filter, 3 neon tetras, and a snail. The Halfmoon is in a 1.5gal right now. I plan on quarantine for at least 2-3 weeks, but the 1.5 gal has no filter or heater.

The water is treated with nutrafin cycle, 1/4 of the water is what was in the bag with him. Should I do water changes?

I'm a little worried because he was swimming fine for an hour, but is now acting dazed. He is laying at the bottom, letting his fins tip him over.

I understand this is a lot to take for a little man, and I'm hoping this is shock. Should I get a compact heater for his tank? Is it worth buying a 3gal tank and use a compact filter/heater during his quarantine?

I have not fed him yet. His color is great, body good shape, his fins are intact.
In my experience this is common for new betta. You said it right when you pointed out that this little guy has been through a lot.
My advice is to keep the water changed so that ammonia levels don't get up at all, feed him something healthy with protein (like larvae), and before you worry about a heater put a thermometer in to see where it's at.

Also, they like to rest and hide so I suggest putting something in for it to rest on or in. I suggest this item be slightly elevated like a fake plant etc. Mine slept inside a little pagoda.

Thanks for the reply. I'm reluctant to put anything in the tank, as I'm quarintining him and this requires a clear tank with no gravel, plants, or caves. I decided to move his tank flush up against my 6gal, so he has better lighting and some movement of my schooling fish to follow.

It worked, he is now swimming around, and taking little nibbles of fish flakes. So far he seems to enjoy the company, no flaring or tracking the fish. His tank is at 70, which is low but he seems to tolerate it. He is eating, but with no gusto like my previous Bettas, but I won't worry right now, he has only been with me for 24 hours.
Sounds like you found a good solution to the problem. As long as a fish is eating they have a good chance to overcome problems so it sounds like your little guy will do well.
Yes he does need a heater, bettas should be kept at between 76-82 degrees F. Especially since he's from Thailand, he's used to that. You might also want to buy some dried Indian Almond Leaves on eBay, they have a lot of medicinal and calming properties for bettas and many Thai breeders keep them in their tanks continuously.

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