Tank size: 125ltr.
pH: around 7.
ammonia: Between 0.50 & 0.75. (Im working on this.)
nitrate: Around 2ppm
kH:16d? (using a sh1tty test stick thingy)
gH: 6d? (^^^^^^)
tank temp: 27degrees
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Im under the assumption that the fish have an outbreak of white spot.
although all my my other fish are acting normally, swimming, feeding and generally being fishy. My Betta is not. He keeps sinking to the bottom and sitting on the gravel. Hes not swimming around as much as usual and im wondering if the white spot is effecting him more than the others. Its not ALL the time, he will swim up for air and feeding. He has no colour change or lesions.
Volume and Frequency of water changes:
We changed the water today, around a 40-50% change. And we filled it back up with treated water. We plan on doing another 30%ish change tonight to try and get rid of that ammonia.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Aqua One water conditioner.
Tank inhabitants:
1 fighter.
One angelfish.
9 Neon tetras.
2 male mollies.
1 female guppy
1 male guppy.
2 platys.
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
The female guppy about a week ago and a new bio-orb plant at the same time. Not real.
Exposure to chemicals:
The only thing we've added to the tank is the water treatment. Its Aqua one health+ water conditioner.
Digital photo (include if possible):
Tank Age (How long the tank has been up and running): 2 weeks today. Its a very very new tank.
Recent Events in the tank (things such as algea blooms, illnesses.. etc.. that have been treated recently: We had one sickly neon tetra that died the day we got him. Nothing else seemed sick around the time he died or after.
The type and size of your filtration: Aqua One Moray 700L
And for anyone that cares im from England.
Im if i have not given enough information or explained things correctly.
pH: around 7.
ammonia: Between 0.50 & 0.75. (Im working on this.)
nitrate: Around 2ppm
kH:16d? (using a sh1tty test stick thingy)
gH: 6d? (^^^^^^)
tank temp: 27degrees
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Im under the assumption that the fish have an outbreak of white spot.
although all my my other fish are acting normally, swimming, feeding and generally being fishy. My Betta is not. He keeps sinking to the bottom and sitting on the gravel. Hes not swimming around as much as usual and im wondering if the white spot is effecting him more than the others. Its not ALL the time, he will swim up for air and feeding. He has no colour change or lesions.
Volume and Frequency of water changes:
We changed the water today, around a 40-50% change. And we filled it back up with treated water. We plan on doing another 30%ish change tonight to try and get rid of that ammonia.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Aqua One water conditioner.
Tank inhabitants:
1 fighter.
One angelfish.
9 Neon tetras.
2 male mollies.
1 female guppy
1 male guppy.
2 platys.
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
The female guppy about a week ago and a new bio-orb plant at the same time. Not real.
Exposure to chemicals:
The only thing we've added to the tank is the water treatment. Its Aqua one health+ water conditioner.
Digital photo (include if possible):

Tank Age (How long the tank has been up and running): 2 weeks today. Its a very very new tank.
Recent Events in the tank (things such as algea blooms, illnesses.. etc.. that have been treated recently: We had one sickly neon tetra that died the day we got him. Nothing else seemed sick around the time he died or after.
The type and size of your filtration: Aqua One Moray 700L
And for anyone that cares im from England.
Im if i have not given enough information or explained things correctly.