Betta Help


Jul 21, 2011
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[font="Verdana]I got a new male betta a week ago. I moved him from a temporary 1.5 gallon tank to a 5 gallon last tuesday. I noticed today that he is sitting at the top not moving. It didnt look like he was breathing either. Then he started swimming rapidly around the tank. He was also flashing on some of the plants, but not the cave. Then he went back to the top and sat. His back half started sinking so I tried to feed him a pea, thinking it may be swim bladder issues. The pea is at the bottom of the tank. He tasted it and spit it out. He also had a white spot on his tail when I got him. I didn't think much of it since he is white, but now I think it may be ich or something. Can someone tell me whats goin on?[/font][/color]
[color="#222222"][font="Verdana]My water stats are:[/font][/color]
[color="#222222"][font="Verdana]Temp 75F[/font][/color]
[color="#222222"][font="Verdana]pH 7[/font][/color]
[color="#222222"][font="Verdana]Ammonia 0 ppm[/font][/color]
[color="#222222"][font="Verdana]Nitrite 0 ppm[/font][/color]
[color="#222222"][font="Verdana]Nitrate 10 ppm[/font][/color]
[color="#222222"][font="Verdana]Now he is very jumpy and flashing the thermometer. He'll sit by the thermometer for a moment and then swim rapidly, constantly jerking as if something touched him. I've covered his tank with a dark blanket so he can calm down some. [/font]
The spot on the fin is it the size of a grain of salt, sugar?
Is there any red, or pink areas to the spot?
Is there any tiny bubbles in fish body, or fins?
Any signs of excess mucas on body, or fins?
Does the betta have a greyish film on his body?
The spot is 3-4 millimeters. No to the rest of those.
Does the spot resemble a cauliflower on the fin?
Or look like a smooth lump?
Is the fish still flicking and rubbing?
Has anymore spots appeared on fins, or body?
Are you using liquid test kits?
Have you changed brand of water conditioner, or added anything to the tank?
Yes, I have a liquid kit. I haven't changed anything and the only thing I added was plant food.
Hows the fish breathing?
Any signs of excess mucas on body, fins, gills?
Any tiny bubbles on the fish body, fins?
He seems perfectly fine except that he's flashing and keeps hiding.
I would maybe try a water change.
Is the betta also clamping his fins?
Not that I've seen. I'll do a water change tonight. How much should I change?
Maybe do a 50% water change.
A pic of whitespot.


  • Astatheros_longimanus_with_ich_DSC_9878.jpg
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