Fish Fanatic
Any advice welcome please. It seems my betta has dropsy. I'm gutted but also puzzled as my water seems ok. Have given heaps of detail (blahed on : ) in the hope someone can help.
I'm in Christchurch, New Zealand
Tank size: cycled 70 litres, established around 8 months, quite heavily planted with aquarium plants, JBL Mondano substrate. One piece of bog wood without sharp edges. Internal filter (built in to tank).
pH: 7.2
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: around 2.5
Ammonia/nitrate/nitrate all tested with new-ish API liquid test kit
kH: It's quite soft water if this is what kH means
gH: ?
tank temp: 24.5
Now in temperature matched quarantine tank (dechlorinated).
Given shelled pea last night (no change) and 2 20 minute Epsom salt baths today (am and pm - 1 teaspoon per gallon). Seemed slightly happier after baths but no change in bloating.
Quarantine tank has been treated with Furan 2 as of late this morning. No change.
Betta Splendens, age not known - maybe 10-12 months?
Seemed healthy, happy and curious earlier yesterday..
As of last night: bloated stomach with pine-coned scales, lethargic - tending to hang round at top/bottom of tank, eating well, some fin clamping, deep (normal) colour .
Usually eats Tetra crisps or Tetra betta flakes or frozen bloodworm (once per week or less) or live baby brine shrimp (bred at home) occasionally. Fed once per day.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 30-50% temperature matched weekly, dechlorinated (4 drops prime per 10l) weekly.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Seachem Excel and Seachem general fertilizer weekly - measured with syringe, stirred in to water change water before going in tank. Purigen in filter.
Tank inhabitants: 5 dwarf rasbora & 5 peppered Cory. All seem ok BUT I had to euthanase one of my rasboras the other night as his whole tail (not just part of it) was hanging by a thread. Incredibly he was swimming/eating. Didn't look as if he had been attacked, tail showed no signs of rot.
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): nil
Exposure to chemicals: nil known. 'Fish only' bucket, net etc. Hands washed in hot water before doing 'tank stuff.'No sprays etc.
Digital photo
Can post (probably tomorrow) if one could be helpful
Thanks for looking!!
Any advice welcome please. It seems my betta has dropsy. I'm gutted but also puzzled as my water seems ok. Have given heaps of detail (blahed on : ) in the hope someone can help.
I'm in Christchurch, New Zealand
Tank size: cycled 70 litres, established around 8 months, quite heavily planted with aquarium plants, JBL Mondano substrate. One piece of bog wood without sharp edges. Internal filter (built in to tank).
pH: 7.2
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: around 2.5
Ammonia/nitrate/nitrate all tested with new-ish API liquid test kit
kH: It's quite soft water if this is what kH means
gH: ?
tank temp: 24.5
Now in temperature matched quarantine tank (dechlorinated).
Given shelled pea last night (no change) and 2 20 minute Epsom salt baths today (am and pm - 1 teaspoon per gallon). Seemed slightly happier after baths but no change in bloating.
Quarantine tank has been treated with Furan 2 as of late this morning. No change.
Betta Splendens, age not known - maybe 10-12 months?
Seemed healthy, happy and curious earlier yesterday..
As of last night: bloated stomach with pine-coned scales, lethargic - tending to hang round at top/bottom of tank, eating well, some fin clamping, deep (normal) colour .
Usually eats Tetra crisps or Tetra betta flakes or frozen bloodworm (once per week or less) or live baby brine shrimp (bred at home) occasionally. Fed once per day.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 30-50% temperature matched weekly, dechlorinated (4 drops prime per 10l) weekly.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Seachem Excel and Seachem general fertilizer weekly - measured with syringe, stirred in to water change water before going in tank. Purigen in filter.
Tank inhabitants: 5 dwarf rasbora & 5 peppered Cory. All seem ok BUT I had to euthanase one of my rasboras the other night as his whole tail (not just part of it) was hanging by a thread. Incredibly he was swimming/eating. Didn't look as if he had been attacked, tail showed no signs of rot.
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): nil
Exposure to chemicals: nil known. 'Fish only' bucket, net etc. Hands washed in hot water before doing 'tank stuff.'No sprays etc.
Digital photo
Can post (probably tomorrow) if one could be helpful
Thanks for looking!!