Betta Hammock As Well As Plant Suggestion Please


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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Is that a good idea to buy or a waste of money?  I have no idea where my betta sleeps as I have yet to catch him sleeping at all.  LOL
Also...  my cabomba aren't working out since getting a betta.  They were doing beautifully when I had platies in there... but since the 2 weeks I've make it a betta tank they have stopped growing nicely and are getting... "softer"... not exactly dieing... just weird.  I am thinking they must need to go (I also have 3 anubias and some moss balls in there).
Should I switch to another type of plant instead of cabomba?  I wanted a wild look not a purposefully planted look.  I am also quite low tech with only lighting, no CO2.
I use cabomba in my betta tank and it's fine. Although it's under medium/high lighting and due to be dosed with CO2 and ferts.
I also use cryputs with big leafs if my betta wants to sit on them thats fine :p
Had cabomba and egeria in my platy tank with no ferts or CO2 and standard lighting and eventually it just started melting! The dreaded BGA I'm sure didn't help either so I now only have anubias and java ferns in both tanks as they seem more tolerant of minimal intervention.
EDIT forgot to mention I have a large silk broad-leafed plant in the betta tank, however I have yet to see Eragon resting on a leaf yet!
Cabomba is a funny plant.  It can look great and then can just suddenly look bad.  It likes higher nitrates like hornwort.  I love crypts in my betta tanks as well as anubias, hygrophilia species, and duckweed.  
I have heard both good and bad things about the betta hammock.  I personally have never used one.  I use pieces of PVC suction cuped to the side of the tank for a floating cave or large leafed plants like anubias for the my bettas to sleep on.
Crypts, are those like twisty java fern looking plants.
Maybe I should go back to hygrophilia, that was the first plant I ever had and it was pretty indestructible!  LOL
I've used the betta hammock several times. Only a few of the fish have ever even used it, but I've had one who really enjoyed it. If you've got broad leaf plants, though, you don't need it. I find that shrimps and snails like it though.
Probably not worth getting since I never even see my betta sleeping let alone resting!  HAH.
I rarely even seen my shrimp (in the other tank)... they spent their lives on my bogwood wedged in all the plants.
Count your blessings, it can be unnerving. Admiral, the betta I had as a child, loved to sleep tail up, head down, lodged in a plant. First time he did it I thought he was dead. -.-
Oh man!  yeah, that would get my heart skipping every time!  LOL
My first betta slept vertically, nose upwards, wedged in the gap between the heater and filter. Luckly the heater had a guard over it........
Another slept on top of the filter - I had to make sure there was a deep enough space after each water change.
My current betta sleeps on the bottom of the tank.
I've always had a silk plant with big flat leaves with my bettas, most of them just ignored it and chose somewhere else.
I have ordered a few plants, two hygrophila and one called Lysimachia nummalaria.
I *think* my betta sleeps somewhere at the bottom.... I've not seen it... but once trying to catch him in the act I was staring out and must of startled him as he shot out of the plants like Satan was on his heels.  Ooops.
My new plants arrived today.  Riley hung at the glass the entire time I sat there preparing the plants for his tank.  He was quite enthralled.  Riley is now having a good time looking over the new plants. I bought them at aqua essentials (where I buy plants about 75% of the time) and they are gorgeous... already as tall as my tank... just need to fill out a bit sideways. 
I'm sure Riley appreciates the new decor and potential "beds" you got him! :)
My male Betta likes to rest on and in plants too. He sometimes chooses the java moss on the wood, sometimes the vallisneria, which looks weird, like he is tied there in suspension, lol.
The little female we just got likes to wedge herself between the glass, a java fern leaf and the substrate. Not sure if she is resting or peeking out to see what's going on! 

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