Betta For My Office Space


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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I've just moved house and my new office space is in the basement and there are no windows :/

I was thinking of getting a Betta to brighten up my space. I have a standard 5g and well, I just have a few things I wanted to ask those who've kept Bettas for any length of time.

What else can be kept with a Betta in a 5 g? I know it's not much, shrimp and snails maybe. Endlers if I'm lucky, which I've honestly never cared for. Maybe a nice peaceful betta tank with just some shrimp friends would be good.

What plants would do well in a 5 g with a gentle flow? I don't want them to take over the tank. I want it to be... zen, I suppose, everything in harmony.
Though I do want it to be interesting for my Betta. Which I probably won't be getting until March just because I like to sit and really contemplate when it comes to setting up another tank. And that's when a fish auction is and some people bring stunning Bettas to sell (For cheap)

what are some things I can put in the tank to entertain my Betta with? I suppose it can get quite boring having a whole 5 gal tank to yourself all day every day :p
Greetings! I have successfully kept ghost shrimp and an apple snail with my male betta. I think when it comes to tank inhabitants, it really depends on the temperament of the fish you get. Deathwing has always been chill from the get-go. He doesn't flare at the drop of a hat like other fish. In fact, he rarely flares. He doesn't bother with them, but I know that isn't always true for other bettas. At times, I've been curious if he'd actually get along with another fish because he just doesn't seem to be aggressive at all, but I will never test that theory.

My betta tank is planted with cambombas, but they require medium/high light. Some recommend up to 3wpg. I've been able to keep mine healthy at 2wpg and it keeps them from spreading like wildfire. It makes a nice background. I also have done dwarf grass, but if you don't feed your snail properly, he/she will eat it all. If you plan on doing shrimp, I definitely recommend some kind of ground cover for them to hide. I also have java moss just floating around. The betta likes to play with it, and the shrimp would hide in it as well. All the plants I listed can survive in low light conditions and not take over your tank. I've had the same plants for a year. They're really healthy, and haven't needed any pruning or maintaining at all.

As for things to keep the betta busy, I have no clue. My fish is content with his plants.
I keep my betta with cherry shrimp and assassin snails. For plants he has amazon swords, java fern, crypts and something else I can't remember the name of. There is also a fair sized chunk of driftwood that my shrimp live under for the most part. He keeps himself entertained by blowing large bubble nests.
A few White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Anubias, Java ferns and some bogwood. That is a nice set up to go with your betta.
Maybe a rock, covered in moss with some anubias? You could also try more interesting varieties of shrimp to go with the betta. :)
would something like this work for my office if i'm not there over the weekend?
A few White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Anubias, Java ferns and some bogwood. That is a nice set up to go with your betta.
 I totally disagree with this arrangement.  White cloud mountain minnows are a cool water fish and bettas are tropical fish so there is not a happy medium for the two without stressing one or the other.  Plus a 5 gallon is really not big enough for much more than your betta to be honest.  You might be ok with some shrimp but the posibility of your betta enjoying a pricey snack is the most likely outcome.  A snail would be the only real option I would go with if you have to have another inhabitant.  Your betta would be perfectly fine just by himself since bettas are solitary by nature.  Even with a snail you will have to watch the betta since they like to nip at the snail's tenticles.  I would plant the tank with a small piece(or two depending on size) of wood with anubias or java fern and maybe some java moss in there somewhere.  Your betta will be fine over the weekend just feed him the last day of the week.  It is actually good for bettas to have a day or two each week to "fast" which helps keep them from bloating.  As far as keep him from being bored--change the scenery near his tank when possible.  Put different colored and shaped items near him so he can have some stimulation. 
kazfishdog said:
would something like this work for my office if i'm not there over the weekend?
Most definately. Although alot of Bettas have been proven to enjoy human interaction, the theory behind simple fishkeeping is the same, i guess.
Providing you set up the tank and the filter in the correct way, ensuring your filter is not faulty (which COULD be nasty if you're not there for 2/3 days) then it should be both straightforward and rewarding.
I'm actually thinking of getting a Sorority going.
I have a 20 Gal tank with a GBR in it. But my pH is 8.0, so I know it's not well suited to him (As they prefer acidic water of like 6.7-7.2) 
The tank also has 6 Pygmy Corys and 1 small albino BNP. 
What would be a good number of Females to get? I was thinking four perhaps? I have to redesign the tank anyways. So I'll be spending the money on plants and such. Also, what fish would Female Bettas get along with? 
(And still get my 5 G going for a male Betta, but I'm holding out until I find a male I really like) 
i have a single female in with guppies and endlers and bn's. Other than her chasing some babies and eating one baby (that i know of, lol) everyone has been happy
Wildbetta said:
A few White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Anubias, Java ferns and some bogwood. That is a nice set up to go with your betta.
 I totally disagree with this arrangement.  White cloud mountain minnows are a cool water fish and bettas are tropical fish so there is not a happy medium for the two without stressing one or the other.  Plus a 5 gallon is really not big enough for much more than your betta to be honest.  You might be ok with some shrimp but the posibility of your betta enjoying a pricey snack is the most likely outcome.  A snail would be the only real option I would go with if you have to have another inhabitant.  Your betta would be perfectly fine just by himself since bettas are solitary by nature.  Even with a snail you will have to watch the betta since they like to nip at the snail's tenticles.  I would plant the tank with a small piece(or two depending on size) of wood with anubias or java fern and maybe some java moss in there somewhere.  Your betta will be fine over the weekend just feed him the last day of the week.  It is actually good for bettas to have a day or two each week to "fast" which helps keep them from bloating.  As far as keep him from being bored--change the scenery near his tank when possible.  Put different colored and shaped items near him so he can have some stimulation. 
Depending on what temp you keep your tank. Mine is 24.5c and the minnows are fine and always have been. They do not stress the betta and the betta doesnt bother them even when they stray near his nest. All bettas are different so depending on your males temperament you will have a better idea what to keep with him. Mine used to live with an endler and all was well, he is now in with the females( the endler). I have always found females to be more aggresive and territorial, and then thats only with each other.
As long as what you put with your betta is smaller, but not edible smaller, and can shift at a fair pace, your fish will probably just ignore each other.


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