Betta Deformities


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2004
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Montreal, Canada

I'm working on my website, and I wondered if any of you have any images of deformed Bettas that you would not mind allowing me to use for my site. (You can go to my site via the banner below, it is resource only.)

I basically want to create a comprehensive list of all of the known deformities I can get, with minor explanations on the degree of severity and whether or not if should affect purchasing fish with the deformity.

i have a pic thats not that up close .. but its of a female without ventrals
that sounds helpfull ill check it out, there was sum 1 herer resently who posted that some of his spaw had fin deforitys, he had pics and everything.
nibbles: If you wouldn't mind, I'd be happy to use it.. I can probably sharpen the image, if its fuzzy, and it doesn't have to be that large :) I tend to resize the images to 200 pixels wide for the site. :)

And yeah, that is the basic goal of the site.. to allow people to know the various types of deformities, and how it affects the life of the fish. It is designed to be a resource and not anything else :)
i dont think its close enough.. if you want, tomorrow i will take some close ups of her

edit: no its really not close enough to see... tomorrow im expecting new fish and will take pics of them, so i will be sure to get a close of up her for you


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BeccaBlain said:

I'm working on my website, and I wondered if any of you have any images of deformed Bettas that you would not mind allowing me to use for my site. (You can go to my site via the banner below, it is resource only.)

I basically want to create a comprehensive list of all of the known deformities I can get, with minor explanations on the degree of severity and whether or not if should affect purchasing fish with the deformity.

Talk to wuv, she has tons of culls from her spawns..
I remember a while back you were wanting a picture of a betta who had been in a fight...well I have a picture of that for you too if you are still ineterested. Gimme a second to find them and I'll put them up :)
Awesome, Sorrel! That would be great. :) You tend to have really nice pictures too :)

Nibbles: Can't wait to see them :) I'm lookin' forward to it :)
Ok, I'll donate a couple. This is from my 2 month old CT spawn, prepare yourself for the horror :( I had about a dozen with mouths like this,most have died off...I have about 4 or 5 left. Their mouths are locked into a full open position. I'm really not quite sure assumption is inbreeding the lines too far. The parents were sold to me as a sibling breeding pair,but I don't think I want to spawn the fry. Although...this may be a one time thing and it might not show up at all in the next generation.


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I've noticed they live fine in the community with their siblings,but as soon as I remove and cup them,they die. That's not true for all though, the one pictured has been cupped for a couple weeks.


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Holy heck. That poor fish. Thank you so much for the pictures, wuv! Does this fish have a name, and do you want a specific credit to go with the fish? (email address, etc?)

*gets out her little html fish and type types and preps an update on her deformities.*

And yeah, I don't approve of inbreeding lines too far, for the reason shown above.. One inbreeding session every now and then (Such as, we start a strain with a sibling pair from a -non- sibling pair, have three generations of non-siblings, then do another sibling strain to strengthen certain traits)

But, anyway, excellent photos. That poor, poor darling fish.
I know :( I feel bad for them too. They eat just fine,watching them try to get air is heartbreaking,but they manage.

I first started noticing them at about 2 weeks old, I only thought there was a couple,but as the spawn started growing, I started noticing more and more.

No need to give me credit on your site, they're not something I'm too proud of keeping/raising. I almost feel like I'm cruel for keeping them alive :/ I can't decide which is worse.
Well, here is my opinion on it:

You don't know the lines of the fish you were breeding together.. you picked up a pair of siblings. You didn't know how often they had already been interbred. It is a part of the breeding problem, unfortunately.. you never know.

You are a good breeder, and you don't tend to "try" to make "mistakes" like this -- but they happen.

Giving a creature a chance to live is always better than not letting it experience anything at all. I give you two thumbs up and kudos for making the attempt.

You have to wonder how often they've been bred though, and how many were culled the generation before -- for the same problem.

By no means, it isn't cruel. Now, if they start to really suffer, you wouldn't let it go that far. Thats something we have all determined. Euthanizing is difficult, especially on culls like your poor little baby, but if it needs done, well... but if he isn't suffocating or starving to death, I can't see denying him the right to try. That is one adorable little trooper, even with that deformity.

I think more of you for trying, than I would if you just gave up on the little guy. :)

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